1 hour q for shuffle

Yea, im so done with this system


You guys are all complaining about long shuffle qs but compare it to your 3s exp where you’re sitting in lfg for hours waiting for a healer or msging ppl on b net trying to get Qs.

Solo shuffle just automates the process


So, u replace an awfull system with another? K


Yeah, and then you get tossed into a game where there’s zero comp or zero coordination. I would rather wait in LFG looking for partners for hours as opposed to sit here and wait an hour just to be tossed in a game with morons who can’t coordinate, don’t want to coordinate, and don’t even synergize with me and then randomly have someone leave on round 5, thus wasting my whole hour in the first place.

5 games in a row, someone left today, all of them 45 minute - 1 hour queues, and finally when I got in a game at 1:45 in the afternoon on a flippin’ Monday, it was an OCE group where I had 300 MS the whole time and couldn’t function.

Bad system that siphoned people out of actual brackets for no reason.

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I’d say the complaints are justified, but at the same time though it’s because of the healer to dps ratio. Not to mention that healers are the ones most punished in solo shuffle.


I don’t think you understand the problem is.

There’s no such system that can magically make your 1 hour queue into 20 minutes.

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I heal it and am in in 5 sec

Youre a shammy give it a go

Before we got our own servers our complaints about latency were always met with “stop whining, get better”.

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but not the game.

Just make 3 dps vs eachother problem solved


Or, we could do the right thing, and recognize Blizzard had actually already solved this issue back during Legion due to complaints about queuing into people from other Regions and being met with “target is not in line of sight”.

Back then, they had come up with some kind of solution which made playing with and against people from other regions less of a nightmare within arena, and somewhere we lost that functionality. We should be asking for that back to benefit all of us.

The point I had also been making was that 1:45 in the afternoon means I should not get an OCE group. That’s in the middle of the day. I should have gotten a group with people which actually makes sense. It means the bracket’s losing people.

nope, i like the game

On the flip side I play at oceanic peak time I’ve seen teams of 4 oceanic and were still chucked onto American servers. Sooo yes we usually play with that lag and it sucks. Also solo sucks for healers so I gave up. Good job blizz I was exited to pvp after 18 years. Nope

Until they let triple dps fight each other this problem is inevitable.


Nah thats just 2-3am there, not even degen hours yet


I just wish there was a ‘Duel’ bracket for shuffle. Where 6 players get rotated into 1v1s in seperate arenas. Or we can do away with the silly arena thing altogether and implement Solo-Queue Rated BGs.

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Ya imagine queuein as arms warrior to 1vs1 a ret pally, gonna be soo enjoyable lmao.

Sometime i have 40 misn queue sometimes i have 12 mins queue at the exact same time periods, really dunno whats going on.

I play from Brazil i dont think this ever happened.
I assumed all rated content happens at a USs servers and thats all.

1 hour queue, then either go 3-3 where no one leaves due to either a bad healer or a bad DPS and gain 0 rating, or go 5-0 and someone leaves and gain 0 rating. Or you get someone salty that just refuses to heal you for 2 matches, fun times.

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I’m assuming by “someone left today” you mean after the game has started? Or is it during the queue before it finally pops? If it’s the latter there isn’t much you can do about that. Peoples’ patience has limits as does their available playing time in most cases. If it’s the former, Blizzard’s working on fixing what happens when you leave. They’re intending to experiment with lowering both standard PvP rating and their hidden MMR value if you leave before the match is complete, which right now is the biggest complaint about solo shuffle.

The functionality never went away, it’s just that the available player pool for solo shuffle is extremely low (likely due to the aforementioned “leaver” issue making people not want to bother anymore) and the system has no choice but to combine regional pools in order to keep queues as low as possible. The default is still to pair players with others in the same region when possible.

Lack of players in the pool is what’s going on. Some days are better than others, hence the disparities you see.

The solution of course, is simple: Increase the players who want to que for Solo Shuffle.

How blizzard does that, or doesn’t as the case may be, is up to them.

I believe there will be changes coming soon. I think there was a blue post about this last week?