Your last post absolutely was not genuine if you truly think that. Maybe toxic isn’t the right word for now, but you’re not honest
Then horde are pretty quiet about it. I haven’t ever seen it and I haven’t heard horde complaining either in game or here. And IF (I don’t believe they have but) IF they did then that is very not ok either.
Probably because it’s a game. We do what we have to do. I’ve not played some nights because it was so bad. But it was also shortlived as when BGs came out I knew it would be better. I have seen Alliance whine from more even servers, so I think some just kind of jumped on the bandwagon and it blew out of proportion tbh.
Idk, having experienced it I don’t think it’s blown out of anything imo. It’s bad. Like baaaaaad. I always thought horde were jerks before but p2 classic is a whole other level. Like darkside of reddit bad at times. But we both need to sleep. Good night.
No, I mean how many servers are affected are blown out of proportion. Goodnight.
Maybe, there are fewer pvp servers. So maybe.
Conversation never even touched on what’s happening on Heartseeker.
Oh boy look another idiot spouting this autism. YoU cAn LeVeL 1-45 aNd TrAvEl WiThOuT fLaGgInG
Almost brought it up. Heartseeker has one of the worst imbalances, but never really hear Horde complain from there.
Combination of “horde don’t complain as much” and “there aren’t many horde on there anymore TO complain”.
How does one get to level 45 without flagging?
How, pray tell, would changing to a PvE server help when all North American servers are part of the same BG queue system? BGs aren’t server-specific, they operate on the Battlegroup system. And there are only a couple Battlegroups and North America happens to be one of them.
This means that EVERYONE on a North American server is in the same queue regardless of whether they’re on a PvP or PvE server.
Your math sucks because you completely made up numbers and didn’t factor in the extra honor gained from the games lasting a little bit longer.
I kept track of my honor/game in every game I’ve played for the past week. My highest honor/hour rate, including queue times comes from games that last roughly 15-20 minutes because I’m getting about 1.5k honor from kills on top of the 3k-4k bonus honor and the Horde actually win a majority of those games.
Here’s some math for you from over 150 games I’ve played over the past week since you actually suck at math (and aren’t factoring in the extra honor gained).
SHORT GAME AVERAGE (games 7-10 minutes, 5-41 W/L record)
• 15 minute queue time
• 8 minute game avg
• 2.3k bonus honor avg
• 500 honor from kills avg
2.8k honor / 23 minutes * 60 minutes = 7304 honor/hour
MEDIUM GAME AVERAGE (games 15-20 minutes, 29-11 W/L record)
• 15 minute queue time
• 17 minute game avg
• 3.8k bonus honor avg
• 1.5k honor from kills avg
5.3k honor / 32 minutes * 60 minutes = 9938 honor/hour
Even the 25-30 minute games I’ve played are still better honor/hour than the 8-minute games.
The only games that are worse honor/hour are the games that last more than 35 or 40 minutes, which are thankfully few and far between.
Since you actually suck at math, I’ll go a step further and show you how those 8-minute games were better Honor/Hr the first few days when queue times were only 3 minutes.
SHORT GAME (8 minute game, 2 minute queue)
2.8k honor / 11 minutes * 60 minutes = 16.8k honor/hour
MEDIUM GAME (17 minute game, 2 minute queue)
5.3k honor / 19 minutes * 60 minutes = 16.7k honor/hour
As the queue times get higher and higher, the quick 8-minute matches that give much less honor will be worse and worse honor/hour.
Short game w/30 minute queues= 2.8k / 38 * 60 = 4421 honor/hr
Medium game w/30 minute queues = 5.3k / 38 * 60 = 6766 honor/hr
Short game w/45 minute queues= 2.8k / 53 * 60 = 3170 honor/hr
Medium game w/45 minute queues = 5.3k / 62 * 60 = 5129 honor/hr
As you can see (well you probably can’t cuz you suck at math), the quick 8-minute zergs aren’t the best honor/hour and the 15-20 minute games with more honor are the best honor/hour. They’re still the best honor/hour over WSG even with long queue times because WSG queues are long and just crappy honor.
simple match dictates that there’s sub 300 av matches even at prime time, during the first week there were at least 250-300 matches going on, this dictates why there’s such a long queue time
This is intentional irony, right?
Longer que times because not many Alliance are pvping and it’s not like you can go back to wpvp because you guys chased so many people off the servers. The honor simply isn’t there in wpvp.
Get used to your que times, Horde screwed over the Horde.
It doesn’t matter anyways because Horde win 95% of the time with like 5 people in 5-6 minute matches. At least that’s what gets said here.
You mean people got their rep grind done and moved on? Wow. Who would have thought that?..
If people wouldn’t have started the meta of throwing games it wouldn’t have gone by so fast.
Glad mines done.
Protip:The meta is changing (who would have thought this with a dynamic world? ) adjust to it or sit in queue.
Allies fear the mighty Horde turtle!
I’m 2800 rep from exalted and as soon as I’m there I’m out as well. You guys have created the situation, and are now blaming those you abused for your own abuse.
There’s a word for that I’m sure, probably an entire field of psychology. Either way, I and many others don’t find it fun in the least.
You idiots keep saying this, but that’s literally not the case. Do you honestly think the entirety of the horde faction - across every server - planned this before classic launched?
I imagine the only servers we can really say this about are those with popular streamers on them - both from their fans rolling on their faction with them as well of the large amounts of “anti” streamers who purposely rolled in order to grief them, in which case, this was known what was going to happen. If you’re unfortunate enough to have been out of the loop on that, then that sucks.
Aside from that, any faction imbalance on other servers is in absolutely no way the fault of anyone who chose their factions, aside from the handful of players who may have gotten to the 30s in stv and decided to reroll when they perceived an imbalance. Which is certainly not enough to sway the faction numbers drastically.
If you want to blame anybody, blame those from your own faction who jumped ship when free server transfers were offered because they couldn’t hack it and/or the ones who sat afk in capital cities not doing anything about wpvp.
I don’t have the words to articulate how self serving your argument is. Either way, people are leaving your version of gameplay in droves. You can make that their fault and yell at the sky, and no-one is going to care. They’re already gone.