1% approval rating. can we have DF now?

Especially for the 10.1 patch to try and bring back dropped subs and free new play players lol.

its like their 3rd free play, at least 2nd massive sale. and we even got them to admit they did not meet sales goals for day 1 df.

And then they lock 10.1 to renown. THis is not how to win back players, imo. If you clearly lost players in 10.0…you don’t force them in 10.1 to what had them leave the first time. They go…so, maybe 10.2? 10.3 for sure.

I chose sota CTA for the hunter alt over 10.0 catch up to see 10.1. Sota is better than 10.0. This should not be. But…it is.

They made a poll and you guys are complaining that they didn’t do it “right” so imagine if they made classic+ imagine the complaints about how they didn’t do it “right”

Its not an accurate poll for anything in classic. General Discussion is used by majority of Dragonflight players so it cant be entirely accurate. The only thing that the poll actually shows is DF players like M+ more than anything else.

If you want a poll on Wrath Classic you make a poll within the Wrath Classic general discussion forums. Its like asking Warriors what specs they like, Fury, Arms, or Frost mage. Of course frost mage is going to be low, you are asking warriors.


No question about rdf was most likely not an accident.

They did ask about wrath pvp vs df pvp. That landmine they put in there. There is a difference. One big difference is retail gets everything they need from NPC vendors. Mostly.

for 10.0 1 or 2 items were crafted for bis so not pvp vendor based. But they were BIS I’d have has you could say their say 2% was truly the last bit holding you back from 100% perfection. That is not many players imo. Me included. That 2% would have me at say 52% lol.

I’d not be up to speed on 10.1 for any pve needs for gear.

mute n move on then. we need to continue the push for rdf now. i mean look at the poll barely no one is playing wrath anymore lol


And look at those Mythic+ numbers!

I’ve noticed that people who tend to dislike certain things, like say Mythic+ tend to take it for granted that their opinion is shared by everybody else when they speak of them. The reverse also seems to hold.

“Wrath Classic Dungeons”

Fixed for the hypocrisy.

That is WoW Retail, not Classic, but honestly a nice try in trying to bring over WoW retail into classic to support your ask for RDF.

Things can change as votes come in – but folks, the fact Mythic+ has a comfortable lead strongly suggests an M+ style equivalent in Wrath should be popular as well.

But it’s not.

Maybe for you lol. Must be nice to have an established toon in an established guild in which you probably havent run a 5 man dungeon in months.

Typical gatekeeper lol

By that logic why bother to put it in when less than 1% want it?

They have the same poll for classic dude with the same results

I’ll take increase player retention for 400 alex. You realize that if some people dont like to do something it shows that there may be incentive for RDF.

I’m sure if the polls were high you would say the same thing “Oh look everyone likes doing dungeons anyway so RDF isn’t needed”

Stop being so miserable man and get with the program! :smiley:

It’s not a poll about approval rating, it’s pick your favorite. I didn’t pick classic era, but that doesn’t mean I disapprove of it.

How could it not be it doesn’t exist. Defense Protocol is not the same as Mythic+. The classic players who would like Mythic+ are currently speed-running raids.

Because 98.9% of that 1% want it?

No it doesn’t lol. They’re two different products with different appeals. You can’t just throw one into the other and assume it carries over… People really like hotdogs. That doesn’t mean a hot dog ice cream should be popular as well.

i bet they’ll just say “well such few people like running dungeons in wrath so why should we bother adding RDF in?” and will just keep it out

If you want player retention then you would accommodate and make ease of access for things the players want to do. Not that they clearly dont. You lead with your best foot forward and play to your strengths.

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They’ll add it maybe a month or two after ToGC. Especially after their last earnings report and all the news about their mau’s tanking they’re gonna have to do something to increase activity.

It’s so completely different, players immediately referred to Titan Rune Dungeons’ Defense Protocol as “H+” and the name stuck

You reiterated my point for me. Thank you!