I turned all of my characters’ mounts into “water striders” with that equipment from the MoP Anglers and left them like that. It was very annoying when they nerfed my actual water strider instead of just leaving it as it was.
That being said, I’m glad it was set-and-forget per character instead of per mount since I use a variety of mounts on different characters.
I set it and forget it. Thinking about it for a moment, imo, it’s slightly better than not having it at all. Although, I sort of wish they hadn’t taken the Water Strider’s ability away. I mean, what would be the problem with stacking the equipment onto the special utility of a mount. Also, I think everyone should get a Spectral Tiger Mount from Blizzard for free.
I only used it on one character and it’s never bothered me and frankly until I saw this post I’d forgotten about it.
I have an underwater mount I use instead and while it happens once in a while I’ve never found the dismounting thing to be as problematic as many others seem to. It doesn’t happen that often to me.
I keep forgetting about it. Was annoyed at the time after getting the rep to buy the mount for it to be nerfed. Leaving a person feeling like they did something for nothing does not help the enjoyment of the game.
At the time I felt it was people trying to push their idea of how/what to play on other people. Since then I have been mostly playing druid and travel form does the job.
I still don’t like it just for the fact that the playerbase as a whole seemed to be in denial of the fact that the system’s true intent was to destroy water-walking. This is incredibly obvious with newer zones having a much higher mob density to discourage the use of any equipment other than the anti-daze one.
Nothing was stopping Blizzard from giving the Water Strider the Sky Golem treatment and letting it keep its ability while being unable to benefit from mount equipment. Just like nothing is stopping Blizzard from putting a level restriction on the water-walking equipment in the future, finally disabling it forever. They’ll probably even say that the reason they disabled it was because “players weren’t using it,” and players instead “preferred” to use the dismount-immunity equipment (again due to increased mob density in newer zones).
I have no problem with mount equipment but they should have let the water bug keep water walking and made a few new mounts each expac that were easy to get that could water walk .
You can have water walk walk equipment for non water walkers and easy to get water walking mounts each expac. Why is that so hard to do
I dunno, I like the change. I don’t like having to use specific mounts, so it’s a win for me. I got the water walking gear from the anglers vendor, so it didn’t feel to me like my rep grind for exalted was wasted.
I can still use the waterbug to walk on water if I want to, I just don’t HAVE to. So, I like the new system. Not saying there’s nothing else they could add to it or that he system is perfect (it does seem like everyone is either going with water walking or dismount protection, and neither of them are particularly useful once we get flying), but so far I’m liking it better than the old system.
They never had any intention of adding to the system. It was entirely designed to nerf the water strider. My money’s on them some day removing mount equipment and not adding water walking back to the strider.
Well you have to admit, you and I are OP in this fashion. We have Path of Frost so no need for water walking, we can go Blood (which I do in the world anyway) and we can’t get dismounted, and I think we even get the speed buff (correct me if I am wrong). The only thing we don’t get is safe fall from flying mounts, but we can’t fly anyway yet
I set it and forget it. I put on the water walking and forgot it even existed. I do really like it though, it’s one of the few good things Blizzard has added since you can water walk with any mount and not just striders now.