1-60 is ABYSMAL

I spelled it that way on purpose. Cause if everyone goes by it, then at some point, everyone will meet in Draenor… with warmode on…

So far, I’ve just /wave or /salute at opposite faction. or /cower if they were superior to my level and we peacefully parted ways… but…

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This would be a beautiful sight, Draenor once again home of a glorious battlefield. So let it be done.

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took me 2 days to level to 60, and im slow. This game has easy leveling. Just cause you’re bored doesn’t mean others are.

no you aren’t.

No one’s disputing that.

New players who want a story that makes sense are. What motivation would they have to grind out to endgame when they’ve never played it before?

There are a million other games out there these days with awesome combat AND stories to go with it from start to finish. People are spoiled for choice now and WoW has to do more to compete if it wants fresh blood.

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the leveling experience needs to be better, but why on earth would you take them anywhere but BFA for the leveling experience

BFA is MUCH MUCH better about this. It feels much more modern, much more coherent, and it relies less on pre-existing knowledge.

DF is set to replace BFA as the default going forward and it will probably be better in that role as well.

I think the game would benefit from a system that allows players to either select the current Chromie Tome method of leveling through oen xpack quickly (for those who just want to get to current/endgame) but also a DRASTICALLY reduced XP mode that lets us take a toon from racial starting zone through each expansion and actually play through the story of WoW.

They’ve been focusing a lot on actually bringing different types of content to different types of players and that’s awesome, but one of those subsets of the playerbase just like playing a big, sprawling MMO. Not World of Endgame Instancecraft.

I love my endgame stuff on my main, but it’d be awfully tempting to do a full every-xpack run on a new toon as a side project here and there. The only issue I foresee already is the snail’s pace leveling would give nearly ZERO sense of character progresson per time spent.


That would be nice, though unfortunately Cata ruined the old world to the point that that is extremely incoherent even if you try (and the old world without meaningful level gradients inside of it has fairly poor hinting about where to go next to the extent that there is old story).

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When I’m playing SoD I literally have no idea what’s going on in the story. Classic zones have no story to them. So no idea where you’re getting this notion that in classic your friends knows what’s going on and in retail not.

And that’s on you guys for choosing those zones old zones to level in and expect to know what’s going on. Technically new players are suppose to level through bfa. So again on you guys, not blizz, for choosing classic zones and expecting to be told what’s going on.

Just a massive troll post. Flag and move on

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This is what a new player needs to see to make sense of the story

Fixed image

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:

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Only two zones? I know some speedrunners who would like to have a word with you.

Oh and gonna go ahead and press X

I enjoyed leveling better when players moved from expansion to expansion, before they removed all sense of progression from leveling and turned it into a boring grind. I am amazed at how many times I did Hellfire Peninsula and thought nothing of it. That power boost every time you leveled was one of the big attractions of the game.

I realize there were players who hated leveling. I can see that making the grind much shorter is appealing to them. I think the entire reason behind leveling changes was to fast forward every new player into end content, because they would become addicted to the (even more boring) grind and be inspired to hop right into competitive content if only they weren’t exposed to people who have chosen to play differently.

The vanilla story is based on earlier warcraft games, so they didn’t feel the need to explain in detail, because players at the time were familiar with all of this. That and mostly, creepy zones. Zones are no longer creepy, but there are plenty of times you will run into characters that you’re supposed to know something about. It’s obvious you’re supposed to recognize something from what they are saying, or remember them from some before time.

Give unique quest reward transmog items that actually look cool. Make the rewards frequent enough to give a sense of progression. Then, everyone would do this hypothetical campaign at least once. There are other things that matter besides leveling speed.

Depends on where they went. Jade Forest (MoP) and Shadowmoon Valley (WoD) both brought me nearly to the end of Chromie time the last time I leveled, which was pre-anniversary.

WoW’s story has never even been anything that special and people played it anyway.

I actually can’t remember playing an MMORPG that didn’t have a story that was more interesting than WoW’s. I tried Guild Wars 2, and it was totally overhyped just as I expected, but at the very least the story was totally better than WoW’s has ever been. I haven’t played FFXIV but I’ve played FFXI and I thought that was better than WoW, I tried The Secret World for a bit and the story seemed way way more interesting than WoW, etc. I didn’t try The Old Republic but it’s a Bioware MMO so it’s not hard to believe the story was probably better than WoW.

So basically, you’re changing leveling to exclude anyone whose primary focus is not collecting pretty things.

The biggest issue with leveling is that your character never gets stronger. As you level up, you get weaker. That is the sense of progression that was lost, not random transmogs that not everyone will like and pets for people who aren’t interested in pet battling.

Main thing basically all leveling content needs is more HP on mobs, especially at lower levels.

Thats nice, but I don’t enjoy being stuck in a outdated xpack I didn’t enjoy when it came out.

No one joining wow in 2023+ should be forced to play content from 20 years ago. Even playing all the classic zones doesn’t do anything to tell you about the story or new content’s storyline.

I love the classic zones but there ain’t no need for this system and I am happy it was removed.

Cole Phelps is never wrong either.

Another person missing the point. I’m not repeating it for the 100th time.

Not at all what I’m suggesting.

This is closer.

I’ve played ESO. Personally, I found it to be absolute dog water. But to each their own.

I exaggerated the speed since 2 zones make all the difference. I guess this is incomprehensible and no one in this forum has ever exaggerated to explain something they felt was an awful experience. You’re all saints.

Bored? Boredom has nothing to do with this post. I think you’re lost.

I’ve explained this. They wanted to catch up with the story that they missed. I told them we could make characters for each xpac so they could experience it. Long story short, you outlevel the content too fast. They had a crap experience.

All I’m saying is there should be an OPTIONAL 1-60 storyline up to the main expansion for new players. There’s no reason I’ve read for being against this. Just a crap ton of gate keepers. Tutorial island exists. No reason “tutorial/story so far” questline shouldn’t either.

There’s no linear story in classic so go figure? Classic isn’t the same as retail btw. Not by a long shot.

Oh it’s our fault for Blizzards design. Yeah, you’re the problem.

All this content and we’re SUPPOSED to level through BFA? …. Why?

Lol. Alright dude. Go away then. Thank you for adding nothing. If you think the old content being as convoluted as it is is 100% a-ok, then we’ve nothing to discuss. Please stay outta my thread.

I’m gonna go ahead and guess you’ve only ever boosted then. Cuz you have no idea what leveling is like as of 12/3/2023 in World of Warcraft. That’s the game you think you know how to play.

Yep, I agree and never suggested people be forced to play through them. :wink:

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I applaud and mostly share your concern about how difficult WoW can be to get into these days

I think the choice to have BFA (and later DF) replace all other leveling by default is the better decision because there is no way to cover all other plot beats in a 1 to 60 storyline in a way that would be enjoyable for a player without significant effort spent upon it by devs, and there’s just a lot of events to cover that are honestly extremely mid narrative even without massive compression. WoD is possibly the only other expansion I’d consider letting a newbie level through. Legion is a mess of no-context ! everywhere and seven versions of Khadgar Championing at you every foot you step in Dalaran.

That doesn’t mean there can’t be some sort of story catch-up effort. Dragon Age: Inquisition opens with a skippable long intro that explains the main story beats up to that point and some sort of narration like that might be a good idea to add as something put front and center for players to catch up on story. I just don’t think a 1 - 60 questline is doable in a not-crap way for this.

I was discussing this thread with some friends and we all agreed that the new player experience in WoW stinks, but we all are mostly positive on the BFA/DF route, and our biggest concerns lie with how awful of an experience it is to join and do group content in modern WoW. You learn nothing about your class, the story, or the community queueing up to do the Freehold at level 30 – you’ll get an aggressive party that’s done it all before 100 times one-shotting everything, then people mad at you at 70 if you don’t do 10 hours of homework before you try anything difficult enough to have consequences for play.