1-60 in Two weeks, a joke

and let me guess: You can’t be bothered to explain it to everybody if they don’t get it?

Is this by any chance because you don’t have a point?

I mean, I get calling it bad form for Blizzard to say they were going to give people time. They shouldn’t have done that.

but if you weren’t even planning on leveling a Draenei or Blood Elf, why are you not working on it already?


Now you’re angry and confused!

have you considered after this many people telling you, that maybe YOU don’t understand?

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I feel you, Bonerover. Blizzard flat out said they would give people time to level their mana addicts or spacegoats before the Dark Portal opens. This would have also given us the time to level a different toon with the talent updates (some classes are miserable in classic), decide on a main by actaully playing them and not from a spreadsheet, change profs, or whatever else.

It is irrelevant that it was not like that in the original prepatch. Blizzard told us they would give us a time. Two weeks is not enough time for the average player to level to 60 even with the updates.

We also have to keep in mind there are likely to be a lot of players coming in for TBC that did not play classic. They won’t have the gold for boosts nor will they know every little trick to level faster. Those people are getting screwed, too.

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I’ve explained it multiple times…

I do understand. Y’all apologist don’t.

dumb people cant think that hard man its too much work

Then you have no business trying to speed level in the first place… Can’t take the heat?


They said extended pre patch.

that was a lie

I literally JUST did it with a second druid for farming lol

I don’t think anyone understands what you’re complaining about anymore at this point. And despite all the common sense we’ve tossed your way, you clearly don’t understand what we’re saying.


Trolls don’t get it. thats fine you’re bad anyways.

get this man a fookin MEDAL

Maybe if you were good you would get 60 in 2 weeks

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I do understand why I’m upset. You don’t get it because you just don’t. I don’t know why you can’t figure it out but you can’t.

Questing/leveling isn’t hard. If you think it is I feel bad for you.

It’s time consuming.

“Speed leveling” has nothing to do with it. Blizzard themselves said they would give everyone time to level their new Draenei or Blood Elf, and 2 weeks isn’t that time

Why are you so hostile? I don’t even care personally, I’m just able to understand why other people do. Get off your high horse


classic is nothing BUT time consuming you buffoon!

They’re just being a troll. Need to get a W in life and forums are a great place they feel.