1-60 in Two weeks, a joke

all i heard is

blizzard said they would give time
they did
then you said its not enough.

your right we got 6

2 weeks is exteneded time , becuase original TBC you got them on the launch day! so be happy! :smiley: whats not to understand

Everyone, so should we wait for the guy who takes 6 months to level 1 character? It’s almost as if “Everyone” is a vague, unspecified term that may or may not include you based on arbitrary time restrctions that blizzard, has no way nor reason to do anything about.


Well you heard wrong.

They said an extended pre patch.

it’s plenty of time…

https : // imgur. com/3YOSPZ7

You know where leveling isn’t time consuming? Retail. You can go back there and level faster if that’s an issue. Cause the fact you don’t got the time isn’t anyones issue but yours.

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You literally had 2 years to level any of the existing races and you’re complaining about prepatch leveling.

You’re not even leveling a new race lol

Get a look at this example of big brain understanding


you assumed it would be X amount of time.
it wasn’t
now you’re mad.

pretty easy to figure this one out guys, lets go to the next bad take.

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Then just say it clearly then! What about leveling 1-60 in prepatch are you upset about?

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You really haven’t.

You said something about game cycles, but didn’t explain any further.

You’ve also not explained why you haven’t already started leveling the character you’ve implied isn’t going to be a Blood Elf or Draenei that you could be leveling right now.

It’s fair game to call them out on saying that they would give enough time when 2 week isn’t for the average player, but there’s not much to be done about that now(and it really only applied to Blood Elf and Draenei that you can’t currently be leveling).

But beyond that there isn’t a huge issue with it being 2 weeks long, if they had just admitted that they were planning on keeping it pretty short.


I’m almost certain you could not level the new races before TBC launched, but if I’m mistaken then my bad

“anyone who disagrees with me is a troll”

Oh yea, that’ll do the trick.

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You can go play Retail.

Okay since you’re too dense to understand.

Theres HWL gear too. Along with leveling, professions, and gearing up an extended prepatch was expected. god you’re slow af.

You’re just bad, and a troll. Don’t limit yourself.

“some changes”… A lot has changed since blizzcon and they are behind the 8 ball at this point. Deal with it

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they said extended pre patch and walked back on it to get content out ASAP

How much do Blizzard apologist make now a days?

No, you’re slow af, cause 2 weeks isn’t enough time for you, but it is for me :slight_smile:

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2 weeks is plenty of time.

wishing i could heart u

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