1-60 in Two weeks, a joke

It’s fine.

If someone doesn’t explain something you are trying to explain, you need to explain it better.


he isnt even rolling a draeni or belf dont support this disgrace

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And if its not a belf or goat it can be 58 in like 5m max…

You had 0 days to prelevel the new races when TBC first released.


Doing it in 2-weeks right now isn’t that huge of a strain, and we should have the nerfed XP curve during the pre-patch era making it that much faster and easier.

Buck up buttercup.


if you go alliance, my 60 mage can get ya to mauradon level. i dont do mauradon boosts. they look too much like exploits. but a mage can boost ya thru mauradon levels pretty fast and then you’re looking at zg for the rest

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He keeps saying we do not get it. Yet he has not told us why he does not have enough time. Or what he does not have time to achieve. Just another retail troll.


he isnt even rolling draeini / belf hes just crying to cry for attention


Still don’t understand it do you.

Methinks you may not realize how many hours per day 3 days /played within 2 weeks is

That’s a hair over 5 hours every single day for 14 days. That’s a bit of a tall order for people who don’t have time to dedicate to the game every day


he’s not doing it in 3 days /played either.

how about explaining your ineptitude to level an alt to 60 in the 2 years of classic you have had, then you can try to explain what you think we all dont understand .


I expected a month, or at least 3 weeks.

14 days to “rush through the game” instead of enjoying the new leveling experience. Just what I wanted! /s

so let me get this straight…

WOW Classic launched in August of 2019

TBC Classic launches on June 1 2021

You’re not planning on rolling a belf or draenei

And you’re mad that they only gave you 2 years to level a character?


You just don’t get it do you?

You don’t understand. It’s fine at this point.

oh i get it you are just here to troll got it! let me grab another toon this one cant hand out hearts to the people searing your buns like steaks right now


No, no one does because you have the IQ of a soggy ritz cracker


can i give you a hug for that burn

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