1.5 AV please please please

Fanaticism. That word does not mean what you think it means.

Put in 1.5 AV when its released alongside WSG and progressively nerf it as Vanilla progresses. There, done.

Its not like people will play the nerfed 1.12 AV outside of AV weekend anyways, the pvp community tends to exclusively play WSG normally because its the most efficient way to get honor

Looks like the 1.8 version of AV was the longest-lived version, then. Honestly that’s the version I remember. Matches lasted from 1-3 hours depending on the skill of the respective teams. That might have varied by server though.

Despite the off-putting name and generally disagreeing with almost all of your posts, I gave you a heart because you just spoke the truth re: so many changes. Ty

If Blizzard neutered dungeons, I wouldn’t play Classic. If someone derives an unusual amount of enjoyment from a specific section of the game, that’s their prerogative. AV is a unique, and in my opinion, incredibly enjoyable BG in its original form. I can totally see pvp oriented players losing interest in Classic because one of Classics three BGs is in a broken state.


Blizzard neutered Strath and Scholo during vanilla.
(Both horrible decisions)


Strath/Scolo were never tuned to be 10mans

It was a nerf, but not a neutering, and they remained about as difficult as they were before because they were tightened for 5 man groups.

PVP oriented players have already said they disliked the older AV because it lasted longer and became the primary source of honor on private servers where they tried to replicate 1.5 AV.

Premades of hardcore players would swoop in and end the game in twenty minutes or less to farm honor. They said there was little reason to do any other battleground beside AV due to the amount of honor it gave.

So everyone on that server tried to zerg rush AV because they wanted fast honor.

They were nerfed, content was removed. Full Stop.
Prior to the nerfs people completed the 5 man quests in them. It was doable and it was a great challenge.

Continuing to trot out the flawed reproduction of private server AV never fails to generate :roll_eyes:

I care little for arguments that are based solely on honor grinding and the speed in which rewards are obtained. That’s a retail mentality, where rewards > fun.


Ok, you may not care for honor grinding. But when the premade on your server gets twenty + people in the same AV. They aren’t going to really care what you think is fun. They are there for grinding honor.

So while you may be having fun in the fields of strife, they’re going to try and win as quick as possible so they can get into the next game. Apologies if that sounds harsh but that is the reality of the situation.

People don’t get it, it was a way better reward to get the item you want after dozens of hours and feel significantly more powerful for it then get a item you want every 30minutes to 1hr and a half.

AV was awesome too, just to be able to que up at anytime and jump in after you got that sick BWL weapon and just bench mark and wreck everyone and notice that your charectar just got that much more OP. you could feel it. AV was so good for so many reasons.

You don’t want to play anymore, just /afk. its no big deal, you’d still get a ton of honour for the kills, its not like you were wasting your time.

It was a great time killer too if you had 40minutes to a raid or something, you could hop in AV battle for 20minutes have a blast and then go do your raid.

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And the premade honor farmers would not exist were the early version used?
What are you even arguing?

The honour grinders played WSG in premades Luuni for the most part. And to say they want to grind honour faster is a ridiculous reason to make a game mode not fun and a face roll.

Honor grinders played whatever weekend it was. If it was AV weekend and fast AV wins gave the most honor, they’re zerging AV. It wasn’t strictly WSG.

I’m saying that the mentality has changed so that people are going to still zerg. Putting 1.5AV as a deterrent for zerging isn’t going to work.

what about the weekdays luuni…

and that was the brilliance of 1.5 and how it was designed, it was an impenetrable fortress that you could not simply just zerg.

And you have provided no evidence that ACTUAL genuine AV 1.5 would be zergable. (read: bypassing the content and pvp)


PvP problems have PvP solutions. If that premade is on the enemy team, you fight them with the realization that they’re going to be coordinated. If that premade is part of your team, you work around them accordingly. If they seem intent on grinding honor in the field of strife, you organize non-premade players to take objectives. If they are intent on zerging… good luck with that; it takes both factions to zerg, and early AV does NOT make it easy.