1.13 Known Issues 10/30/2019 *Updated!*


Stuns: fixed a bug in which enemies could attack and cast abilities while stunned and/or incapacitated

Vanish: fixed a bug where it would not drop combat and enemies are able to continuously attacking you through the vanish

Feign death: fixed a bug where a hunter’s feign death would not drop combat against enemy npcs. In addition, reduced the delay between feign death and combat dropping.

Priests: fixed a bug where they were still suffering spell push back even while being shielded

Warrior and Druid: fixed a bug where charge and similar type stuns were affecting normal stun diminishing returns

Items: Hand of Justice: fixed a bug where it has a significantly reduced proc rate when dual wielding

Would actually love to see these fixes

Druid’s are still BROKEN.

To add to this, mounted speed buffs are being calculated incorrectly at the moment.

They’re using the system that retail has bizarrely used ever since WoD, of adding a percentage of your walking speed onto your mount’s speed, rather than using your mounted speed as the base to calculate from - as it always did in every iteration of the game before Warlords of Draenor.

Fun fact: if you equip a carrot on a stick (should be a 3% buff) while riding an epic mount, you’ll only be going 1.5% faster than you were before you equipped it.

For anyone who’s interested in the details: Mount speed is being calculated incorrectly with the post-WoD method


If you’re serious about this list add everything in General Mob Behavior and Flee Mechanics and the Big Druid Bug list.

Good luck to you mate I hope you don’t have a job or a life cause keeping a master thread updated will be literal hell.

Oh and add pet issues of all types, hunter bugs, bubble pushback, random buffs dropping off, hidden auras, agro radiuses, outdoor errors, mob agro batching, auto attack stacking, and there’s like about 50 more.

Oh and quests. In dreams. Battle of darrowshire. The Grand Masquerade

Edit: oh yeah ofc mount speed lmfao


Some shaman related bugs:

-Grounding totem slow to take effect

-Shaman Far sight causes loading screen

-Totem pulse timers are all fudged and inconsistent due to spell batching.

I’m sure there’s more but there’s a few.

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I currently have the druid bug list in the main post thanks. Also good job on keeping up with that Ravid. Ive been looking into mob leashing and what not…

Im sure a good amount of bugs stem from using the legion client, TBC item fixes and what not. But if they want it to be a museum piece and not just a cheap forgery then these things need to be fixed.
Im glad community members are contributing though.

Nice addition mate. Im sure this is a batching related issue but i may be wrong.

Yes, it’s generally believed the grounding totem issue is down to spell batching as was outlined in the corresponding thread.

In addition to Discombobulator ray not working properly, Skull of Impending doom is currently in the TBC version and not vanilla.

and the stopwatch trinket isnt adding speed as it should.

Added more to the main list will try and spruce it up more

Hunter feign death is still broken. Trap does not become immediately available upon exiting combat. Also, trapped mobs at max range are able to melee the hunter after trap breaks or expires. Also the game frequently shows hunter holding a quiver as a weapon instead of melee weapon. Also feign death is not supposed to share a cooldown with autoshot. It currently does.

The blue post simply acknowledged one hunter bug - casting feign death while moving. They didn’t fix the main bug which everyone was complaining about, which is trap not immediately available after feign death.

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Thank you i will add the thread to the main list up top.

Edit: fixed up the thread, now with actual links and video.

Keep em coming guys

There is also the Thrash bug, which allows enemies to build up stacks of Thrash while being kited and melee you 10 times at once if they reach you.


My theory on this is that leeway distance is tuned to high. I believe there are a few youtube videos explaining and actually showing.

The attacks seem to have a higher range than what the actual animation is showing so you still get hit even far out and vice versa.

Separate issue. Kite Princess Theradras for 2 minutes, walk up to her, and she’ll one-shot you with a dozen melee attacks at once.


Hmm maybe its storing the attacks with batching instead of one at a time. Instead of batching one attack and when it doesnt hit it wont fall out of batch, so it keeps building up.

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It’s a bug with Thrash stacking. If you kite a mob, it keeps stacking Thrash on cooldown, destroying you when it finally hits. Princess has Thrash.

Edit: I personally confirmed this the other day. I finally found a mind-controllable mob with Thrash (Ogre outside Dire Maul, forget the name). Stacked Thrash and murdered a passing Horde player.

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Odd was under the impression only bosses had thrash /shrug. Heres a link to Thrash.


Or is this not the same thing?

Interesting. It was an active with a six (iirc) second CD on that ogre. Maybe that’s why it’s causing issues? It’s supposed to be a proc with an internal CD, rather than an active?

Hmm you might be onto something according to that link its a proc ability similar to windfury.

It also says its a boss ability and not normal mob behavior. Also no good way to datamine/or track it.

If mobs have thrash as a skill that could very well be the issue. If you remember the ogre mob go test it out again. Give us the info.

As to the princess dilemma if that link is correct it would appear normal behavior.