1-120 No Deaths...Complete!

Oh I die like a champ, especially on clothie alts. Who knew cloth provided absolutely no protection at all?

I am here getting bored leveling up alts even with exp buff and then there are ppl like you OP.

What you have for breakfast everyday ?

Wow, I remember when I was a kid and I posted on these forums the toxicity was just astronomical.
A bunch of angry nerds that really needed to get some.

If no one has said it, let me be the first to say “Nice bro!, good job!” :slight_smile:


Now try not dying on your way to 60 in Classic, aka Hardmode.


This is fabulous! Am super impressed, especially sans heirlooms. I find that my character deaths while leveling are from carelessness and moving too fast… so well done on having the patience to push through and be more aware while you do it. Woohoo!

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War mode on like a real man?


I mean unless Warmode was on…does it really count?


hahahaha you’re so jealous it’s crazy man…

lmao I’m really not trust me.

The main boss when trying to never die with War Mode off is gravity. Do you have any idea how many of my soloing deaths were to falling off or through things? At least a lot.




I came close to doing so while leveling my mage, but I normally level in warmode so its basically impossible.


Lol at all the hate from people. They just jealous.

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Yeah, just by naturally leveling alts and knowing the quests I was taking/landscape around the zone. Ofc I was using heirlooms and stuff so I always scaled up to mobs and no wm on. Mobs are just target dummies.

It isn’t, whoever came up with the Ironman challenge is a masochist.


Guess you could say your character is canonically alive!

Also, nice one not going with warrior, because that would mean death at 100.

I don’t usually ignore rude behavior or rude comments. You could of just scrolled by instead of putting the poster down.

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Idk, I’m talking smack. Want to fight?

No actually, I’m literally the only one in this guild. It’s a bank guild.

Your point was what then?

Honestly haven’t looked. If there is not one, there should be HC or other achievements with no dying. It’s more of a D3 thing, but still that’s great.

Not hating, but Paladin might be on the easier side.

Torghast tower, however, does look like a no dying challenge much like an infinite mage tower.