1-120 No Deaths...Complete!

I’m curious how many characters you deleted after they died. I have trouble deleting level 10 alts on servers where I don’t have any other toons. I can’t imagine deleting anything above level 30 or 40. That would be gut wrenching.

1-120 without dieing is not something to be happy about it’s too easy to do, even without heirlooms. Leveling is a joke in wow, oh and i see you did the 1-120 run while the double xp was up so that is also a hit against you.

leveling is a joke in wow, 1-120 is nothing to be happy about.

Thanks for determining what I can and can’t be happy about.

I’ve always died in lots of stupid ways, long before getting to 120 :wink:

As far as people know, you could be fibbing? I mean, is there a way to tell/associated achievements? Otherwise, what is the point in trying or mentioning it? :wink:

I can’t even see a place where it shows your deaths, at least not on the board/under profile. I can’t remember if it shows in game?

How do I post pictures on here? Show me and I’ll show you proof…

Congrats OP. Don’t let people in here take away from your personal accomplishment. It was something you wanted to achieve and you did, ignore the idiots.


At least 10-12…highest I got before this was 87.


i’m downplaying the achievement. its not an achievement. nothing in questing kills you

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tl;dr …

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Congrats! I’m disgusted with all the other people who say they aren’t impressed. Clearly this is an achievement and you played it the way you wanted to. Fantastic.

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Congrats! That’s so awesome. :slight_smile:

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Awesome job! You even got a shout out on mmorpg/world-of-warcraft/news/world-of-warcraft-player-hits-level-120-without-dying-2000117927

Doesn’t let me post links, but if you want to view to save for your accomplishment I wanted to share at least the site!

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Good job.
I have deleted 14 toon to date.
The highest level 78 hunter.

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If a person sets a goal and meets it, that person has succeeded in life. Even if just a little. Good job and congratulations! That is really kind of cool. I would try it, but my computer would end up through a window. :slight_smile:

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That’s exactly what I’ve been doing on this character. I healed a couple of dungeons in the 20s but since then I’ve just been solo questing. It’s actually quite relaxing. I pop on an audio book and just quest.

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I get you, but pugging is a rush.

Have you done the greedy goblin challenge?
Try doing it with no add on.

Hey - thats awesome - grats!

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That’s pretty cool. Thank you!