1-120 No Deaths...Complete!

Oh, thanks, my Vulpera is 113 right now with 0 deaths! I didn’t remember any deaths so I wanted to verify.

Honestly, he won’t die the rest of the way only doing assaults.

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I can post as I please. Your comment is just as unnecessary as mine.

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It’s WoW forums mate, settle down.

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so can the OP.


Good job, my fellow goat!

Congratulations ::grinning:

you did the iron man challenge without any of the actual challenge


Hell yea! Well done

Extremely easy.

The levelling on this game is a complete and utter joke-- a baby could do it.

The only way to reliably die is to do something like Cata dungeons and have idiot tanks pull too many mobs or ignore mechanics. Everything else I don’t think so, you have to TRY to die.

One has to be blunt sometimes, and this ain’t an achievement.


I mean, you do you I suppose.

I don’t really understand the mindset of people who want to toss away hourss if not days of progress because of a single screw up.

If you had fun, congrats to you I suppose, but I’ll never understand the “Hardcore” mindset.

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120 through just dungeon spam and zero deaths would be impressive an also extremely RNG. I think I could probably do it on another priest run, but I’d need to buy a lot of mats and I’d probably quit wow when I get that one group of kids that can’t do a big leveling dungeon pull.

Congratulations! I would never be able to do this, there are too many things in Azeroth to fall off.

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Leveling in WoW today without heirlooms is faceroll easy. You could probably pull 10 mobs at once, take a bathroom break, let them wallop on you and still kill them when you get back.

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Pretty sure most people are just going to shrug because dying is hard. I think even when playing the squishiest classes, your chances of dying are nearly non-existent until you decide to try and solo a group-elite quest since those mobs do enough damage to just straight up kill you as a sudden spike of difficulty.

Barring the sudden spike of difficulty in WoD group quests actually being group quests, there aren’t a huge number of difficult obstacles to face when playing solo.

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… how is it harder than Ironman?


Hey cool. Even tho it’s easier on a pally no doubt but still I couldn’t do this at all. Not because I think I cannot accomplish this , but because after the first death at level 80 something I’d probably jump off my roof from frustration.

Mental health is too important for me. I’m not subjecting my self to increasing my anxiety.


With or without WM on?
Just curious. I think I did well leveling an AR from 20 to 110 with WM on without getting ganked once. But… I did mostly random dungeons till 90… XD

Congrats Ferrandi, glad you could reach your goal! Been playing a permadeath character on Classic, so I can appreciate the dedication it takes to press that delete button and start fresh from nothing.


Here’s your next assignment, OP. Level a panda from 1 to 120 without picking a faction. All you need is one Horde and Alliance toon (level doesn’t matter but 40 would be best just for the 100% mount) so you can do the 5 account wide pet battles. Heirlooms are fine and you can herb in your off time. I know of two pandas that have done it.

Tovi, I don’t like your new mog. Change back. :frowning: