1-120 No Deaths...Complete!

Nice job. How many times did you bubble hearth?


This isn’t impressive lol, do people think leveling is hard? Only time I die is if I’m lazy and pull mobs recklessly to get to a destination fast instead of kill them, or get unlucky with a bad dungeon group


Great job!

Not kidding…I had to look that up. I didn’t realize you could do that.

Used Divine Shield and also Goblin Glider Kits if I did something stupid and fell from heights but that’s it.

That’s nice.
Now do it on an arcane mage. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I think that’s part of the point…it’s easy to get reckless, bored or afk/disconnect. It’s happened to me many times- it’s hard to be patient (for me at least) more than anything.


depends how you did it. fully dungeons in a pug? yes it can be hard unless going slow. if your chain pulling possible to die especially at certain dungeons due to mechanics.

questing - not really hard turn war mode on then it gets more interesting.

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As a paladin without doing any dungeons or PvP it would be harder to actually die than to NOT die from 1-120. And with a 200% xp buff the leveling effort and time is cut in HALF.

There’s a reason this doesn’t have an achievement attached to it: hundreds of people probably do it each week and don’t post about it because they (rightfully) don’t think it’s anything to phone home about.

Whatever floats your boat OP, but it’s not impressive and nobody cares.

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Good grief, why all the hate?

“Gratz on achieving a personal goal you had set for yourself.”

That’s all you had to say. But, nope, you decided to go with the snarky snide attempted put down route instead. Glad your parents raised you so well… I guess.

Next time, try going with saying nothing at all. It’ll make you look less _______ in public spaces.

PS you can fill in that blank with any choice of word or combination of words that would get a person suspended from the forums for using. Your imagination is the limit.



Now try 1-60 classic warrior. :stuck_out_tongue:


Started well before XP buff as I play sparingly. Also did run a few 5-mans but not in a guild…that being said, you’re in a guild that I believe gives you plenty of help and perks, right? So should I say it’s easy and “nobody cares” if you post about your happiness when and your guild mates accomplish a mythic raid?

If you don’t care than why post? To be a jerk?

Mission Accomplished.


I can’t believe some of the flack you’re getting for this. Some people can be such jerks to diminish one’s accomplishment.

Congratulations OP, and I hope you continue to do future challenges in the near future! Best of luck :slight_smile: :grin:


Nice job, and right before the level squish! So pretty soon you can confidently say you were one of the only known people to do this.

How do you die while leveling in retail

You can pull 50 mobs at once and lose maybe 20% of your hp at most

Especially as a paladin


Ferrandi that’s so cool!! Congratulations! What an achievement.

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Or, you can simply accept I have a different opinion and ignore my post instead of trying to control someone else?

Is there a place where you can check this in game the number of deaths per character?

Statistics tab in the achievements panel, I think.

or, you can just take your own advice, and not make a post simply to announce that your opinion is different.

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