1-120 No Deaths...Complete!

Have you gone 1-120 not dying?

Sounds like you dealt with morons who wanted to troll you on pve servers, I’ve never had such issues. Literally I just hit a few skills and everything dies at all levels. I don’t see how its a hard challenge not to die leveling 1-120, specially with a 100% xp boost.


Congratz op! I know some people will demean your accomplishment,but you have every right to be happy about what you achieved. I would most likely afk in a bad spot cause adhd,and die haha.

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shrugs well I can’t argue that it was probably trolls causing the aggro to always being thrown at me constantly.

Very well done!

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this must have caused so much pain for so many Iron-people.

Nice job OP. I think I might have gotten to 120 without dying before. I don’t know, I can usually avoid it unless I made a dumb mistake. I always try to avoid dying, like it’s real life or something lol.

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It never ceases to amaze me how so many people feel compelled to rain on someone’s parade. It also reminds us that one of the greatest things about World of Warcraft is that it can be played in an almost infinite number of ways. Some people lose sight of that.

I think your accomplishment is just that: an accomplishment. As such, you have my congratulations.


Actually what OP did was pretty hard. I think harder than Ironman.

That’s impressive, OP. I wouldn’t have tried it because I usually can’t go a day without dying to something stupid.

Except this DK. I can usually last a week on her.

That sounds like the most boring thing I’ve ever seen


Grats, as someone who has played this game for forever I know how easy it is to get yourself killed accidentally.

Wrong mount jump off a cliff? dead.
Thought you could survive a fall? dead.
Pulled too much? dead.
Joined a random dungeon finder group? dead.
Afk for less than 10 seconds on PvP server(WM On nowadays)? dead.
Accidentally dismounted while 500 yards up? dead.
Old Dalaran portal + lag or d/c? dead.

If you can think of a way to die in this game, I’ve probably done it more than once.

Again, congrats. I like setting my own personal goals to keep things interesting so kudos to you for finding yours.


I would have inevitably died due to doing something stupid.

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Every time I try I end up afking and dying.

Grats friend, now to do it with only white equipment!


In modern WoW if you level via questing, you literally have to go out of your way to die.

This isn’t Dark Souls. Go do a deathless run in that & report back.


Struggle is real.

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I love stuff like this. congratz on finishing! I imagine it’s harder than it used to be with scaling

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Now do it in Warmode lol


You’re crazy as hell, but I respect you :slight_smile:.

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Nice stuff!

:slight_smile: I don’t think I could do the challenge, I’m reckless.

It’s odd how the first thing some people go for is a put-down. Like why.