1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

1.12 is a huge huge mistake in general


Absolutely. I loved logging back into an AV the next day and getting the latest battle updates. Long AVs helped make heroes and villains and created huge rivalries. It also motivated PVP guilds to come in and clean it up. I used to lead AV’s all the time. When I would come back the next day, I would start organizing the battle, building a raid, assignments etc for different areas of the map. It built community and teamwork that no other BG was capable of.


I agree with you on this 100%. I remember logging out of a game late one night, telling the new joiners what we were doing. going to bed, waking up to log into the exact same match, to get an update and do a changing of the guard lol it was pretty epic.


How’s that retail early AV testing coming along?

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no one wants a “later” version for pvp , we want an earlier patch 1.7 aka 1.07 but bliz doesn’t put 0’s in their patch unless its x.0 or x.10 , WoW 1.12 sucks, especially pvp wise.


Any further word on the 15th anniversary early version of AV?

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I’d love to experience those original Alterac Valley matches. I never really was able to play WoW early on - didn’t get a computer until about two months before BC landed. I was a poor kid who worked to pay his parents lol. C’mon Blizzard, I’ll hug you if you don’t go ahead with the 1.12 AV.


Ya i miss the original AV :3


most of us on classic do .


yes i whole heartedly agree with the OP i love orginal av. I don’t care if av is awful for honor after you kill the same people five times. It was about the epicness of a win. And it made it harder for people to get ice barb and unstoppable force etc.


This would be a lot of fun indeed! Though people might have a problem that pretty soon they’d stop getting honor from kills… (they would probably have to change how honorable kills work for this type of AV if it were to be viable).

As someone who played since 1.3 and attained rank 10 before 1.12…

I recognize this as something that people “look fondly back on” but it was such a rarity. It’s a crafted exaggeration. Sure, AVs lasted hours, but the likelihood of getting into the same AV? Next to none. It only seemed that way because the chances of getting into an AV that was already in progress was higher than getting into a fresh one before we found out how to game the system.

WE MADE THIS UP. And we know better.


not true? while there were possibilities of several av’s at same time, and yes you could go from one to the other on launch , it wasn’t Cross realm crap it was YOUR server, so you would know. I know my server had 1 av during weekdays and maybe 2 on weekends.

I also prefer the classic epic AV fights. Agree that it could murder honor upgrading though. Everyone remember the original red-queens-race for the honor scores and garnering titles, where the more everyone played, the more everyone needed to play to keep pace or gain rank?

That was the single most brutal MMO experience i ever had. I managed to climb to Commander and being single at the time, pvp was the only thing i did outside of work for a month or two. I can’t even imagine the work required to get the very highest ranks of grand admiral or whatever it was. I seem to remember stories of people having friends play there chars in pvp while they where at work and stuff.

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Would love an update on the 15th anniversary early AV testing and possibility of using for classic.

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I, too, love a huge game of Risk.


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Is the 15th anniversary old AV still in testing?

If you really wanna play 1.5 AV, or any vanilla BG right now, there are, uh, ways. I’ve been playing WSG this whole time, gotta keep those pvp skills sharp.

h ttps://www.icy-veins.com/forums/topic/45464-new-alterac-valley-15th-anniversary-details/

sounds like they are done testing, at least externally

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You should probably play retail then boss. AV is not AV with the nerfed version the massive long battle was what made AV freakin fun as all heck and it was ALWAYS populated and you ALWAYS had to wait to get into it on Darkspear in vanilla. People LOVED long AV.