1.12 AV... I'm Losing Interest

Look at sticky.


Glad they aren’t doing any frankenpatch

They’re giving us the game we asked for as a community.

All these people who are acting like this is a massive affront to Vanilla WoW should have been here back when we were simply asking for “No changes outside of the Vanilla timeline”.

I’ve been here since the forums first went up. We never had more than a small handful of hardcore pro-1.5 AV people until apparently today.


Not to mention apparently according to John Staats, AV was never particularly popular to begin with so why the hell does this matter so much?


Keep voicing your opinion. I will, for one, back you and support you. AV is my all time favorite BG, and I’ll be playing Classic either way,

But keep voicing it. Maybe they’ll budge eventually.


Like 0.01% of Vanilla players even did Naxx. Guess it wasn’t popular. Might as well cut it from Classic. What point are you even making?


Please do this.

The point he is making is that John Staats, a member of the original Vanilla level design team, stated that the level of AV was not popular.

That isn’t some random person voicing their opinion. That is a Blizzard employee’s opinion most likely supported by DATA. They had the play rates of AV back then. He said it wasn’t popular.

Blizzard knew AV wasn’t popular in Vanilla. So they changed it to get people to play it.


Gee, the raid gated behind near poopsocking or the BG gated behind being a particular level?


The good news is…if all of the people crying about this decide not to play, that lessens the chances we’ll have to deal with sharding at launch.

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I can understand wanting a specific version of something even if it wasn’t the most popular. I myself ideally would want an earlier version of AV as well, though it’s not a super important deal to me.

The thing is that what I see now are a bunch of people who didn’t seem to bother communicating to Blizzard their desires and are upset that they didn’t get what they want.

Like I said I’ve been here since day 1(albeit on a different character originally). Aside from a few people like Brokenwind, there wasn’t a lot of dedicated pro-1.5 AV people. A few threads here and there, but that was about it.

Instead, people decided the important topics to talk about were sharding and loot trading.

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look at the bright side; a dead AV means more world pvp


Well once they announced the sub model, it was obvious they were just trying to keep some alternative content for live subbers to stay subbed during content droughts, but still have them log in for their garrison equivalent dailies. That way your statistics show people logging into live every day. It’s not actually for returnees or people that miss classic.

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The point is people asked for all kinds of things back then that ended up having a negative impact on the game and the experience.


If you made RFK drop ilvl 78 epics and give 100g/hr, it would go from unpopular to popular. That doesn’t make it better.


This is not a no changes/changes thing, please use your brain.

This was about picking the best version of AV because there were multiple versions throughout Vanilla’s run.


I don’t know what you expected. They said 1.12.


It’s a RPG, popular doesn’t mean good. People want rewards, people tend to do what gives the best ROI, whether or not it’s good.

People have been asking for early AV since the forums first came out, I don’t know what rock you’ve been hiding under.


They said 1.12 as the base, with room to maneuver. It seems you’re just going to be pedantic for the sake of arguing, so last reply you get from me.


That’s not even remotely the same and you know it. Naxx got so few clears because it was literally overtuned and TBC launched less than a year after, thus preventing most people from clearing it because the new and shiny had just come out.

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