0 out of 455 tier chances

This guy is trying to explain math without knowing how math works. Sounds like a him problem

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Look I get that based on everyoneā€™s comments OP is lying about how much tier theyā€™ve really received.

BUTā€¦ Letā€™s not get distracted from the point. Tier drops suck, the chance is way too low. People are getting hosed by bad RNG and thatā€™s bad gameplay. Catalyst should have come out sooner, but it hasnā€™t, so at least consider having it come out ASAP.

I just want to be able to play to the best of my abilities already. Iā€™ll still clear raids and run LFR once I have full tier. Heck Iā€™ll run MORE M+ because I wonā€™t feel like a massive burden to anyone I run with.

I need to know that everything I do in game isnā€™t pointless. That Iā€™m in control of my characterā€™s progress and not subject to the whims of a RNG god. Itā€™s a miserable feeling. The creation catalyst was designed to address bad RNG, but itā€™s not available yet. Just release it already. :frowning:

FYI, the post was removed for Reddit cause they supplied zero evidence.

Which you know, someone who would be tracking their attempts would have if they were telling the truth.

This is why the Catalyst was added.

It is not a primary source of tier, itā€™s bad luck protection and catch up. April 12th is fine.

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except it hasnā€™t been added yet.

Because itā€™s not a primary source of tier.

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tell that to the people who donā€™t even have 2set yet, or just got it, while others have been having a blast with their 4pc for 2.5 weeks now.

it should have been added weeks ago. The decision to gate it was a mystifyingly stupid design decision.


I donā€™t have 2p on any of the 6 toons Iā€™ve done every LFR boss for, nor maizou who has done Normal once as well.

The only difference is Iā€™m not stressing over it like normal because I know thereā€™s a bad luck protection system coming.

Hard disagree.

At that point, why even have tier at all if itā€™s just going to be handed out day 1?

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you literally donā€™t do any content in which having tier matters, so Iā€™m not surprised that you donā€™t care that you donā€™t have it while others do.

perspective matters. Iā€™m not taking jabs at you here either. But the reality is, when you want to push high keys (20 and up) or mythic raid - that tier matters, and not having it at this point is a far, far bigger detriment to that player than to the lfr player.


Okay, letā€™s go back to the past tier system that everyone begged for them to bring back.

Never enable the Creation Catalyst.

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no, letā€™s go back 3-4 weeks and enable the creation catalyst when mythic raid opens, and allow everyone to craft one piece a week on top of what might drop in content.

thatā€™s all they had to do to make this system not be as awful to players who donā€™t get RNG lucky.

tier is, in many cases, a HUGE part of player power. itā€™s not the smaller boosts that we saw in the past. not getting it while others have it means youā€™re underpowered or simply canā€™t perform your job. a bear without 4pc in a group that all has it? good freaking luck. a dps without 4 pc doing less than tank damage, because the tank has it? sucks to suck.

the gating of the creation catalyst was stupid.


They had no obligation to make the system in the first place.

Heck, they had no obligation to put it in the vault either.

People call casual players entitled for wanting the Mage Tower to be at a level an average player can complete it, but then you are literally here saying tier should have been handed out for free the 2nd week the raid was available. Itā€™s only entitlement when itā€™s casual players asking for something though, right?

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Go through my post history and find any post of mine where I called anyone entitled for wanting the mage tower to be tuned for the casual player. Iā€™ll wait.

I will be waiting a while, because you wonā€™t find it. I think the mage tower is overtuned and I think itā€™s unfortunate that they put it out of reach of the majority.

If youā€™re going to use other peopleā€™s words to basically call me a hypocrite, weā€™re done here.


You are far from the only person saying the Creation Catalyst should have been added weeks ago. And I can indeed trace dozens of those people to the same posts telling casual players to get good in the Mage Tower.

I apologize if I implied I was referring to you specifically, that was not the intent.

However, the fact remains, if Blizzard had caved to complaints about this, and not the Mage Tower, you can sure as hell bet I personally would have posted every single day about the Mage Tower until it was tuned.

Again, Blizzard had no obligation to add Tier to the Vault OR make the Creation Catalyst. They could have used the same tier system they had for 15 years. No. They added bad luck protection and double bad luck protection, and you somehow found a way to complain about that.

Would I have liked the Creation Catalyst earlier? Yes. But itā€™s not necessary in the least. If you are struggling to find raid spots without tier, find a better guild. If you are struggling to find M+ groups, what is that everyone on the forums always tells people that complain about M+ Rating? Oh, yea. Make your own group.

(And again, this isnā€™t directed at you personally, or saying youā€™ve ever said that) Just saying that the logic used against casual players works the same way the other way around. And hopefully anyone who has ever said something like ā€œGet Goodā€ or ā€œMake Your Own Groupsā€ understands how insulting and demoralizing it is to be told that.

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This was a copy/paste from reddit.

The post thatā€™s been deleted?

Letā€™s say there is a guild of 20 players. Each weekā€™s since release this group went and cleared the full raid, every boss. Did one clear over a couple nights, had some laughs, some tears, alots of adult beverages and had a good time.
Week 1. Killed 8 bosses, 3 of tier so 6 pieces went to thr guild.
Week 2, full clear, 10 pieces.
Week 3, full clear, 10 pieces
Week 4, full clear, 10 pieces.
As of right now, this group would have 36 pieces of tier amongst the 20 of them.

Why is Creation Catalyst 8 weeks in? Becuase at that time, if the same group of people came in and full cleared the raid they would have 76 pieces of tier in the group, aka majority of them would have 4pc with a few only having 3pc.

Why do people have 4pc now? Becuase Vault exists and people run multiple difficulties of the raid, for multiple attempts at a piece. Why should the C.C come out early? If people are raiding every week, it will take a while to get the drops. We already have extra ways of getting it (Vault), and the C.C is just extra layer of bad luck protection to help out.

Sure, there are people not full clearing the raid, but they have chances each week via Vault aswell as the C.C coming up.

There will always be better geared players than you. Someone will always no life it or grind like mad, but that doesnā€™t entitle everyone to be there unless you do the work aswell.


Thatā€™s a core problem with game too low of a chnace/odds. i have seen 6 alts all do lfr or mythic and not one drop on more than a few occasions. If that is a nightmare, I can imagine it unholy for Heroic on up. Yes, this has happen to me. From some of the chats i have not be alone on this issues.

Because Luck my dear friend is fickle. Thou shalt givest a thou shoal takes if away.