0 out of 455 tier chances

This is the gold standard of comedy I’ve come to expect from GD, thanks!!

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It was their other account. It’s what the cool kids do.

Not only just a forum char (like me and this one…it’s my forum name I go by here)…the forum posting account.

LMAO :popcorn:

Anyone wants some?

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This is like watching someone be digitally pants’d :joy:


This is the ‘dog ate my homework’ of forum excuses.


Haha worth a shot

I always love seeing these posts. OP doesn’t post on main, seems legit. Lets see the proof.

Wow, here I thought I was having terrible luck with just a 2 pc.

Yeah, sure you are.

you can use all sorts of sites like wowprogress.com and check-pvp.fr to see alts. Alts aren’t as hidden as people like to think they are.

But according to GD, that druid just put more effort into his tier than you did! Just play the game more! :crazy_face:

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Oh, nice. I never knew of this magical creation. Thank you!

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What a liar, tier drops are guaranteed based on the number of players participating in a kill.

Drop rate is 100% for 10% of your raid team for each boss kill.
If you kill 5 bosses that grant tier in a week, you’ll have 10 tier pieces to split between 20 players. Ok?
So half your raid has 1 tier piece basically on first 5 tier boss kills.

Catalyst should have released earlier and tier should have been more freely tradable.

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This was copy/pasta from reddit not my own experience: https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/tu9td4/5_weeks_5_toons_455_possibilities_for_tier_0455/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share

OP lying? In GD? Color me surprised.

Based on the group size, for the group, for anyone in the group. You could literally run Sepulcher 100 times and never have a tier drop for you, and that’s the problem, that’s always the problem with items that grant so much power, and in a way a problem for all gear since everything fancy gives more power than other items.

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OP I’ve found 3 toons of yours.

Hasn’t full cleared any difficulty
has 2 tier items

Has only done normal.
Has 2 tier items

Has only done 10/11 normal once.
Has non tier.

OP this is just pathetic.
What did you gain from this?

Who cares?
Your experience is very different to the garbage you’re reposting.

although i’m pretty sure you are just straight up lying - that reddit post, which is now deleted? was posted at the same time.

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Obviously a skill issue. /s

You’d think they would have learned with Corruptions, but now I’m pretty sure they knew exactly what they were doing with the Creation Catalyst.

Blizz is trolling us all in the name of MAU metrics.

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And you could cross the street without looking and never have a car ram you either.
No it won’t happen to run sepulcher 100 times and not get a tier once, stop crying.