0 out of 455 tier chances

I still don’t really understand what the point is of going in a community that’s all in the same realm but not being in the same guild? Are y’all trying to find out what the hall of fame will say if a guild group didn’t get it?

I believe that people can be that unlucky.

there’s a shaman in my group who hasn’t seen a single piece of tier drop. they do normal full clear, lfr full clear available wings, and heroic (up to our prog, currently 10/11) every week, as well as 3 m+ vault slots.

some people just get royally hosed by RNG.


An April 1st thread happened

THat and more at the 11pm news broadcast

Yep, I agree.

I was only on 1 piece until last week after every other dps that shared my token got 4 piece. Only then was I allowed to start taking the scraps.

The OP states that he has done it on 5 TOONS so he is 5x MORE unlucky than your friend which is already so so unlucky lol.

Ok now what if we multiply this by 5. That’s what the OP is claiming. Can people be thaaaaat unlucky?


We sure about that? Their main currently has 2set equipped on the armory.

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Wow Bloomsday actually did something positive for once and yes this is weird lying/trolling by the op.

6% for Vault.

46% chance for a full vault. 6% per slot, so the inverse of 0.94^9

First off, Why do you have 3 Monks and 2 Shamans.

Ah, yeah I meant 6% per slot.

Damn that sucks, I’ve seen 2 myself, 1 per char of course, still not even 2set.

The exact same collection, 2 of those have 2set. Also no mythic kills, so good luck catching up to Honestly, who have already killed mythic Anduin.

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OP didnt really think this one thru yeah?


Not only can we tell you’re not being truthful, but so can Blizzard.

So really, what was the goal here?

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you’re gonna need a new forum alt after trying to pull something like this.


The vault isn’t guaranteed to give you tier. The creation catalyst is in a few weeks. Do LFR btw.

Personally I have killed 61 raid bosses and only during the first week I did not have 6 vault slots open. Every other week 6 slots and many kills on the bosses that drop tier tokens, so far total I have had 4 tier items drop for me, 2 of which were duplicates.

In the meantime there is another druid in my group who started this season late, has half as many raid boss kills and chances are half as much M+, but now has 4 tier pieces.

RNG is crap, RNG will always be crap, RNG does not need a spot in this game when so much borrowed power is tied in with it.

This is the gold standard of comedy I’ve come to expect from GD, thanks!!

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It was their other account. It’s what the cool kids do.

Not only just a forum char (like me and this one…it’s my forum name I go by here)…the forum posting account.

LMAO :popcorn:

Anyone wants some?

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