🤯 Raider IO ruined PVE

Lol, yikes


It’s almost like those classes have less people who parsed high. If I do the same dps as a rogue our actual percentile is going to be way different even if our dps is both high. You’re literally talking to someone who used to do this every week in mythic. I cheesed parses hard as hell to get on allstars as do the current players.

You do know that the percentiles are being compared only to other warlocks with the same spec you used, right?

Except that would prove the opposite of what you are claiming. If you are an amazing Warlock, even though Warlocks are trash (sic), you would falsely rank higher, not lower.

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Yeah, and they ran a parse run. So why does our DK a class that’s barely used to cheese in the current tiers percentile matter to mine? You just answered your own question.

Btw, blue and purple parses are completely normal on progression. Parses don’t actually matter until you’re 9/9 and reclearing.

Also, middle of the pack classes have an easier time of getting a good percentile. It’s harder on warlock because top end is like 60k dps on every fight. So my 30k even though it’s fine for a kill is not a high percentile.

It’s like teaching children out here.

So when you did Heroic Grong, your guild was in progression mode or…? You’d think a top 1% warlock would be able to do better than 75th percentile

Let’s say you and a rogue both do 25k dps (made up numbers as I am not raiding anymore and have no clue what the averages are these days). The top 1% rogues do 30k dps, and the top Warlocks do 20k dps, because they are trash. Your parse ranking would be much higher than the rogues, not lower.

Parse runs might be a reason why you’re only parsing 90% instead of 100%. They sure aren’t the reason you’re parsing 35%.


What I dont like about raider IO is the fact that blizz says they want it so you can play with the ones you want to run with but then they ban the noob add on … Either we can or we cant run with who we want to right?

When? This is just some random guild lol. It was probably an alt run or I wasn’t using a ST spec because it’s heroic and who cares. You’re over analyzing when you have zero clue what you’re talking about.

Yes and warlocks are the highest parsing class in the game right now. Get it? So my purple parses actually aren’t that bad considering I wasn’t even trying to parse.

Or…maybe… it seems like you maybe aren’t as good as you think you are :thinking:

I disagree.

There are people that only do M+.

There are people that only do Mythic raiding.

There are people that do M+ AND Mythic raiding.

Why should people that only want to push keys be required to Mythic raid to get better gear to push higher keys?

Finding 4 other people to push a key on the fly is much more simple than finding 19 other people and having to stick to a rigid schedule.

Did you view the variables? Was it a alt run? Was I dead? Etc. Being a allstar doesn’t mean I slam a 100% every week, do you really think that’s how it works? Some boss fights the stars have to align with no mechanics on you to pull a top end parse.

Yeahh I member

I have proof of my merits. All I need to know I’m better. We’re done here. I don’t feel like teaching people how to parse in mythic.

apples and oranges. Being racist =/= being selective.

Ok well if you want to learn how to do +10s so you can get in groups in the future I’ll be here for you pal.

If you just want to play casually, then why would you concern about R. IO?

We are glad of it. The blind leading the blind doesn’t sound like a good time.