šŸ¤Æ Raider IO ruined PVE

I agree with you, but you canā€™t deny itā€™s a uphill battle for some, not so much for others.

I think youā€™re just complaining for the sake of complaining. There are more warlocks over 3k io than Prot Paladins and Iā€™m not complaining lol.

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Warlocks, I know everything about the class for raiding.

But but butā€¦ he is a top 1% player. Warlocks are just bad! And totally ignore his logs becauseā€¦ reasons.


Yet your parses are mostly blue :thinking:

Which means youā€™re top 30%ish

Itā€™s almost like kill times, class comps, first kills and parse kills as well as talent options for kills rather than parses matter.

Donā€™t start with me on parses. I was a allstar warlock for a very long time.

Oh, so if a player knows a lot about warlocks that makes them a 1% player?

Does this apply for other classes or just warlocks?

You remind me of a 30 year old guy who brags about when he made it to state in high school.

What you did 5 years ago doesnā€™t matter when we are talking about M+ in BFA.


Youā€™re the type whoā€™s never achieved anything so you try and diminishes others accomplishments, whoā€™s worse?

My WW gear only recently hit 402 because of M+, not from raiding. Iā€™m still using a lot of 370-390 gear for it since I canā€™t get drops to actually drop or the tokens to give me something that isnā€™t hot garbage.

Iā€™ve achieved a higher io score than the best warlock in the world while playing a worse class for M+. Thatā€™s something.


Look up ā€œallstarsā€ on warcraft logs, then click on warlocks, you see the top 10 names there? That was me a few years ago. Then click next page about 500 times, thereā€™s you.

Thatā€™s great but your current logs suggest you arenā€™t very good at playing the current iteration of warlock. 5 years ago the rotation was totally different, thereā€™s no reason whatsoever to think that success then translates into success now.


Wow, you can run with DH, rogue and monk. clapclapclapclapclap, Iā€™m so proud. Come on guys, lets give him his trophy.

Just stop. You are embarrassing yourself. ANyone can say anything about ā€œWell 5 years ago Iā€¦ā€ even if it were true. Times change.


Do I have to spell it out every time.

Kill times
Class comps
Talents for boss killing
Talents for parsing

Let me spell it out even more since youā€™re this dumb. If we run 1 healer on the first boss mythic and nobody damages adds except me and we lust and burn the boss guess what happens? I get a 100% parse. Youā€™re actually stupid as hell.

Lmao, pve isnā€™t my end game. Iā€™ve been top 1% in PvP though, does that make me a special snowflake?

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No because you are not a warlock. Duh.

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Your kill times and comp didnā€™t seem to prevent other members of your raid from parsing 90%+ in the same fights where you have green parses.


Oh right, how silly of me.

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