🤯 Raider IO ruined PVE

What happened to Allstars, did they quit?

Let me know when you get LFR Jaina down champ.

I was waiting for this. WAITING FOR IT.

Can you tell me where exactly I made any claims? True or False? No? Why is that? Because I never did. You on the other hand… if you were even a fraction as good as you think you are, your logs would show it. Numbers don’t lie, champ.

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I already explained why my parses are the way you perceive them. I can’t help if you don’t understand simple parses.

One of us doesn’t understand how parses work, but it’s not me. I suggest leaving the thread and learning how math works.

Nobody else here is claiming to be in the top 1% of players, that’s just you. And your logs do not support that in any way. You’re parsing green for your ilvl on almost every fight.

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He says you have to be trying to parse and your raid has to help you parse in order to get over 70th percentile. Which is hilarious actually because there is an aff lock in his guild that beats him on every fight.

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Lol I have blue and purple parses on every mythic fight as of right now. Even my one and only opulence kill is purple. You’re actually nuts.

He’s using a different build than me. We out parse each other depending on the fight, but we both just want to down the content, nobody is parsing.

Exactly. I am not even calling him a bad player… if what he does is good enough for his guild then it isn’t my place to argue with that. HOWEVER, when someone comes out with guns blazing yelling I AM THE TOP 1%, their logs need to back it up.

He is acting like we are comparing him to every other class. We aren’t. His rankings are based on a) his class and b) his gear. If he were a great player, we would be able to tell without the “I was an allstar but you will have to just take my word because no evidence actually exists.”

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Gee the guy who was top 10 for a entire xpac or the LFR hero. Ah well maybe we won’t ever know.

Can confirm, retired mythic raiding scrub that’s never done higher than a 5 in BFA, 385 ILVL for my prot set.

Someone that claims to be something they have no supporting evidence for (and much evidence against) vs someone making no claims at all. The world may never know…

Oh wait, they will.


Blizzard catering to whiny people that dont want to put effort into gearing ruined PvE.

I got an A in my Algebra class in high school so I must be a top 1% mathematician currently

I have a top 100 world CE and I played all three specs in WoD for maximum points towards my allstar ranking. I had 99 percentile parses with every spec on every boss mythic in HFC.

Pro tip: Claims mean nothing. I can claim I am the Queen of England… but guess what? That doesn’t make it true.

This is true. Next update warfronts will stop providing any loot per the notes. WQ loot will be capped to 325 again. Positive changes from blizz.

They do need to update LFR to not provide loot either but instead tokens for things like transmog and other collectibles.

Lol, I literally have the achievements to prove it and I have a Swift Spectral Tiger from selling carries back then. Get real.

I know a lot of people that never stepped foot in raid that have the Spectral Tiger. I also know several people who bought carries to get achievements.

Once again, you are blowing smoke and trying to convince us it is chunks of gold.

edit: I’ve probably said this in as many ways as possible. If it’s not sinking in yet, I doubt it will. I will thank you for one thing though. Replies to you were enough to bump me back up to Trust3 so thank you for that.
