🤯 Raider IO ruined PVE

M+ shouldn’t ever drop anything close to Mythic raiding gear, this is coming from someone who’s done CE from late MoP to G’huun. The difficulty is night and day and out of proportion.

I’ve always made my own groups or played with friends.

If you look at all my dungeons on io you’ll see that I run with a shadow priest, mage, and warlock pretty often.

Also you don’t even mention that I’m a Prot Pally, which is bottom tier for M+ lol.

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It directly relates though, rich get richer. You play rogue you stomp out keys, you play warlock and struggle to get the same scores because of class, but when score is the chooser not skill you end up with a corrupt system.

I’m not saying I do bad, but it shouldn’t take me 30 minutes to join a +10 key.

Have you tried making your own group?

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Making your own group is setting yourself up to lose a key. Half the groups I join someone leaves in the first few minutes. It’s cancer af.

It’s really not .IO that’s stopping you getting into those +10 keys anyway. It’s just the same old thing it’s always been - an oversupply of DPS and even more so now that most groups only have 2 non-rogue DPS slots.

If you just use your own key your problems will go away. The only disadvantage of using your own key is that you don’t get to choose which dungeon you do.

That’s no more likely to happen using your own key than it is joining someone else’s.

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But it’s what you go through till you meet people and become friends, then you play together for keys and other things. If you don’t want to go through that process then you’re tough out of luck.

If that were the case then no one would be completing M+. Will you lose some keys? Probably. But every M+ group you try to join is someone using their key. Why is it ok for them to run the risk, but not you?


I’ve wondered how raid io and others actually rate the individual when so much has to do with the group as a whole knowing what to do. I guess I’m not super anti, but I’m skeptical that their numbers are meaningful since I don’t really know how they come up with them.

That being said. To the op it isn’t like there aren’t groups that aren’t requiring raid io, so I don’t know how much you’re actually being impacted either way.

LFG came in before sharding and server linking I think due to some servers being so low population it was hard to get numbers together. Did it have some negative impact on community? Probably. Did it generally improve playability? Probably so I’m not sure what the answer is though I know what you mean.

I don’t take risks. People are bad at this game, I’m a top 1% player. I save my key for my personal friend group, but if I want to spam them out for score I need to join someone else’s key. The whole point isn’t doing my weekly key. I want a 3k score, but I quite literally can’t get there because of my class. Which is why IO is bad.

Like I already pointed out… you have a guild which you said does M+ and they’re capable.

If they don’t want to take you then you have your key.

Make sure you check the people out before you invite them. You can be the one with the invite power instead of sitting around being mad that people won’t invite you.

Then as you work on it you get your score up and ta-da! That will help you maybe pug in the future. Hopefully you wouldn’t need it by that point though.

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Ok then.

Just gonna leave this here: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/bleeding-hollow/kem

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There are warlocks over 3k io. It’s not the class man lol.


Only easy if you can find a good guild.

From my experience, pretty much every guild out there is a cesspool.

Yeah, warlocks like the 9/9m guy above who have a slot with his guild of melee cleave meta. We don’t all have that option.

This is simply false. There are plenty of warlocks with a very high score and you’re never going to get to 3k via pugging anyway because people don’t really PUG anything higher than 15-16s in the group finder. It’s not your class that’s holding you back, it’s a lack of effort on your part.

I got my hunter to 1215 .io in a week of pugging and hunters are less desirable than warlocks in the current meta. And I did it all by simply pugging my own key, choosing the best applicants, and giving it a shot. 2 of the keys were unsuccessful but the rest were successful. Sometimes you have to just give a shot and see how it goes rather than focusing on all the things that could go wrong.

Lol, did a LFR hero really just post my logs when they have no idea how logs work? Take a seat kid, I was top 10 allstars every tier in WoD.

1% in what category?