🤯 Raider IO ruined PVE

People who decline others based on raider Io score are the worst kinds of people and you wouldn’t want to play with them anyways.

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Can you tell me where I said it was an indicator of skill? Because I didn’t. I said it was an indicator of experience.

Gotta disagree. Doing +19-20 keys in time are just as hard as mid-late mythic bosses. I run with a warlock from my guild sometimes and he does fine. I also run with a shadow priest. Heck I play a Prot Paladin which is pretty terrible in the M+ meta right now.

I would certainly take 9/9 mythic raid experience into account when taking someone for a key, but you’d also have to have some dungeon experience. So like if I had to choose between 2 warlocks for my +10 , one had previously done +9 shrine but the other had only done +6, then I’d probably take the 9/9 mythic experience into consideration because that tells me you’re a good player but hadn’t got around to doing a higher shrine key yet.

But if you applied and had never done the dungeon at all then that’s different.

Why dont you use your own key? Where are your CE guildies? This is incredibly confusing.

And again that’s wrong, because you’ve always been able to have raid level ilvl without doing any raiding at all.

He is extremely confusing. He flex’s his CE from 4 years ago like it’s supposed to mean something in a +15 Underrot. I actually have no idea what he’s talking about.


No, you absolutely could not. You could have a few pieces of valor gear (which was capped at normal ilvl) or a crafted piece or two (also capped). You did not have high ilvl gear raining from the skies in the way you do now. My ilvl right now is at a similar level that it would were I to be raiding Normal, if not Heroic and I have barely dipped a toe into LFR this expansion, never mind anything higher.

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So you’re nice to guildies, all I’m getting out of this. 300+ wipes on mythic bosses early tier is not even close to a 5 man dungeon that takes 20-30 minutes. You’re high.

People who demand they get into groups they have no experience doing the content the group is for…I would say those are the worst kinds of people that I don’t want to play with.


To be fair, Resilience in TBC helped tanks hit defense cap. I mixed and matched a few pieces back then on my tank to do that depending on what I needed.

PvP gear in WoD was also fine for PvE, and for some specs was actually better because of stat priorities.

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I did use my own key, tank left after getting called out 2 wipes into the first boss. I don’t want to be a scrub holding my guildies back who run all meta for M+. How is it remotely confusing? Play a warlock or SP and you’ll understand altposter.

I have over 300 M+ completed in BFA and I just got my first +18 done in time this week. Really not much different. You just don’t do the content so you don’t understand.

It’s like saying Glad is easy in PvP because the match only lasts 5-10 min lol.


Yeah in WoD it was fine… the change may have actually started in MoP (I can’t remember exactly). And a piece here or there (ie I was using PvP shoulders in Cata until Firelands because NOTHING would drop) was fine. THe person acting like you could afk AV and deck yourself out in honor gear and trick all the raiders, however, is laughable.

I remember people being invited for their ilvl but if they had pvp gear after inspect that would result in a kick 100% of the times with pugs prior to WoD. Yes, high PVE gear back then meant you were good enough to do the content. This is no longer the case.

PVP stats were just for PVP, it was a detriment for PVE.

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If you were able to hide/block your IO, youd still never get invited. :smirk:

Remember when the teacher used to force the other kids to include the left out kid in their games, even though they didnt want to because he sucked at the game? That wasnt very fair for the kids who were already having fun without him, was it?

No, it isn’t.

Anyone raiding heroic is going to be 405+ by this time, you’re 17 ilvls below that. Hell I PUG 3 heroic bosses a week and I’m 409.

The difference is even greater at the start of the tier. The raid’s been out nearly 3 months and you’re only just now at the ilvl most people were at when they first zoned in to normal mode.

You just said you run off meta all the time, which is probably why it took so long. Lol just checked your armory, you ran with two demon hunters and mostly meta melee, liar much? Also, you talk big for someone not even good tbh. Let it sink in mate. You’ve got one CE from the most broken tier ever released and that’s it.

I play an MM hunter which also isn’t in high demand from what I’ve seen on the graphs, but that’s besides the point. The tank that ditched your key is why people use io though. Did you vet him at all?

By the way, if you have an issue with how locks and shadow priests do in M+ that’s an entirely different thing than io. Pick one to complain about , but this is about io.

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WoW still has guilds?

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