🤯 Raider IO ruined PVE

Do you have problem with getting in your experience and gear appropriate groups?

I see on your WoW profile (public data, no addons) :

  • Gear ilvl 380
  • Completed a M+5 and some +2

From this data, you should be doing something in range +2 - +4. These groups rarely (if ever) look at RIO. I don’t see how RIO affects you.

And no, Blizzard won’t break this addon as they added recently APIs for it to work even better. And all of this information is already visible on your WoW profile. So worst case :

  • No addon
  • Alt+tab => check wow armory

It’s really got nothing to do with loot at all.

People use .IO because dungeons are hard, and you can’t replace anyone once the keystone is put in. If you inadvertently pick up someone who doesn’t know what they are doing, then your run is ruined.

.IO exists because prescreening is so much more important in M+. Whereas for raids it’s really not so important because you can replace people who underperform.


No it didn’t.

I’m pretty elitist, but I hate io because it’s just stupid for seeing if someone is good or not.

Play rogue, DH or monk, get a 3k io score in a few weeks. Play warlock/shadow priest etc and struggle to get 1500.

I have a top 100 world CE which trumps any score from a 5 man dungeon lmao, but nobody cares about that.

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While I don’t use the add-on myself as I run everything with my guild, I will refute your suggestion about using a toon’s ilvl as the deciding factor. It is easy to get the ilvl with so many avenues to gearing, however is not easy to get skill.

My guild has had to pug a time or two and we usually pick the higher ilvl people and 75% of the time, their skill does not equal their ilvl.

The best quote I’ve read from someone about raider io was something like this:

“Run your own key without raider io. It should be easy to find people that don’t want to use it. Best case scenario, you make some new friends who like to do keys without it. Wort case scenario you realize why everyone uses raider io”


I know why IO exists, I use it myself. What I mean is that with the ridiculous amount of loot there are now toons walking around with an inflated Ilvl. Whereas in the past iLvl could give you some small indication of skill, that is not the case atm. OP was complaining about how ilvl used to mean something so I was responding to that.

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Ilvl could never do this. Since the game’s release there have been people walking around in PvP gear they got from AFKing battlegrounds with zero PvE experience.

Before .io, anyone who was serious about getting skilled players checked logs. Before M+ though it was wasn’t very important, if you had someone underperforming you could just replace them. The reason .io is necessary is because of the nature of M+ itself, it’s got nothing to do with the ease of gearing.

Remember when having a high ilvl meant you had actually done high level content so having the gear was enough of a judge for people’s experience?

I do.

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Why would anyone ever want to level a playing field for the bad players?

That right there shows how ridiculous your reasoning is.

I’m also not interested in “showing someone the ropes” in a 10+ key run. If you’re doing 10+ key runs, you should already know how the dungeon goes and how to play your class. 10+ isn’t that tough, but allowing “bads” is a great way to ruin a key run.

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Then you have a poor memory and somehow forgot about PvP welfare gear.

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Someone’s memory is bad… or they haven’t actually been playing that long. No one was inviting someone with PvP gear because it had PvP stats, not PvE stats.

Getting CE doesn’t mean you know what to do in a +18. Knowing how to play your class is about 30% of being able to do well in M+.

My guild is just a semi casual 2 day guild but we get CE most raid tiers and we have people who are absolutely clueless in M+ but do well in raid progression.

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How would you know they had PvP gear on if you only looked at ilvl though?

I misspoke in my first comment. Ilvl didn’t even exist back then. My point was: Gear used to be an indicator of content someone has experienced, it no longer is.

Not really, 5 man is significantly easier. Playing a Rogue, DH, Monk is also a complete face roll in those dungeons. Try to app to a +10 as a Warlock and get back to me, even at my ilvl it takes 30+ minutes to get a group. It’s a terrible system.

I also like how the only people defending IO is a circle jerk of melee classes, lol I’m dead.

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Lmao should they ban their own internal PVP rating system that mirrors how IO works?

You are not entitled to join whatever group you want and ruin it for everyone trying to progress and do competitive content.


I love how people are Elitist because they want to play with people who can pull their weight when they put their own key on the line… Make you own group… why is this concept so foreign to people on this forum???

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I’m obviously not explaining myself properly. I am not stating why IO is useful. I am responding to the OP. It’s cool. I could sit and type a wall of text to try to explain what I was trying to say but the truth is that it’s not worth it lol.

<— Lazy Cleo

You can still inspect someone now to see where their gear from, that hasn’t changed. If a person somehow got to 400 ilvl with only gear from warfronts and WQ titanforges then inspecting them can tell you that…just as you would have had to inspect someone to see if they were wearing welfare PvP gear previously.

So again, ilvl has never been a good indicator of skill.