đŸ€Ż Raider IO ruined PVE

Shroud still helps you complete the dungeon faster whether you’re doing a +2 or a +20. Some dungeons you can’t skip the final reaping without shroud. Some dungeons you can’t avoid killing 110% without shroud.

Oh joy our weekly bad player complaining about raiderio, never fails


In legion I had no issues getting into M+ groups. This expansion getting into a regular mythic is a challenge. Not sure if Raider IO is to blame or what since Raider IO was around in legion but maybe not as many used it?

I don’t understand the hate for RIO.

As a total casual with limited time (Maybe spend less time on the forums?), I hate having my time wasted with failed endeavors such as a premature world boss pull by an overachieving hunter. I can imagine people who heavily rely on Mythic+ pugs hate having their time wasted by people who can’t keep up. RIO makes sense, even if it provides a rather brutal entry level barrier.

The problem isn’t RIO, it’s a combination of the breakdown of guilds which once served as a friendly training place and the influx of casuals like myself who would rather pass a twisted sardine can lid than pug. I think about a five member team relying on the healing reflexes of a 66 year old clicker and my stomach knots on their behalf.

I miss my old guild where in Wrath we’d advertise in Trade for DPS saying we didn’t care about their gear or experience, we only asked for a willingness to learn and a sense of humor. Turned out to be a great recruiting tool for some people who turned out to be very good when given a chance to learn.

Thinking about it, there used to be a few people on the forum who advertised running weekly raids to help out the under-geared and less than confident wannabee raiders. We need a few folks like that for M+ to help people learn, get better, gain confidence and boost their RIO scores. Until then my fellow casuals, please stop complaining about RIO as it is an effective swipe left or right tool for other folks who don’t want their time wasted either.


Pve is tooooo broad of a topic to claim a single addon ruined it.

I can do a world quest and there is no io score requirement :rofl:

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There’s not always more than 1 rogue applying though. Plenty of times I’ve sat in a PUG tol dagor group waiting 15 minutes for a rogue to apply. It’s much, much easier to get invited to dungeons as a rogue, that’s just a fact.

I don’t really pug keys and the only time I do a 10 is for a sale, but we do them without shroud all the time and usually 3 chest with 4 people. I think people over estimate a +10.

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This is nice in theory but nobody’s ever looking for a hunter or a dps DK. There’s a consumable for lust and plenty of other ways to get battle res.

DPS with 1200+ .io are certainly not a dime a dozen when advertising a +10 key. Some people are just extremely rigid with their class choices and won’t go with anything other than rogue/dh/x

If you’re selling carries then youre probably not playing on the same level as the people who are pugging their 10s for a cache each week.

Also, are you selling carries with pugs?

I have sold carries with pugs before, but usually not.

that’s true i have an 389 and 392 and im causal of a casual

raider io and log rankings are 2 of the worst things to happen to the game

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Not even remotely close to being the worst.


if you do not like people doing io to check if the person is good about m+ keys, do your own keys, and make your own groups.

I do think it is a shame that ilvl is irrelevant, and to wage how person will perform I have to go to a 3rd party. I wish Blizzard had a way to do this in game, but it is absolutely needed.

there are lots of things you can do, if you want to do m+
 there is no reason to virtue signal that the raider io is bad, when you doing very little to deal with your own problem of people not wanting you in their keys.

I have an alt who is very fresh. and his IO is virtually nothing. (ilvl 380 ish or so now). I have been doing my own keys, or just playing lower keys to get some gear to yet push higher keys. and I have not felt like ranting about the system yet. It is also a warrior btw, which is (arguably) one of the worst classes you can bring to M+ right now if not a tank.

TLDR: solve your own problems

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Attitudes like this cause segregation. The “Elite” players doing like 15s+ right now hardly associate with someone doing only 3-5s. Those you probably talk to are other “casual” players, just because people do lower content does not mean they do not want the best they can get.

Anyway, having a private history accomplishes nothing. If I happened to ask for IO and your history was blocked from public view
 well I just will decline you. Dont see how making it private will solve your issues.


Then having a dedicated team or guild also means you are on a different level than the people playing the PuG game. I’m not trying to be mean or anything here to you specifically, but like I said there are different skill levels and means here.

I think the reason people are complaining about Raider IO so much is because there has literally a monsoon of loot funneled into everyone and as such iLvls are overinflated which makes using IO far more relevant than normal.
I don’t particularly claim to understand the reasoning behind so much loot but it has seriously hindered the usefulness of being able to glance at a persons iLvl as a skill indicator. Ilvl is just not worth much atm and as such IO has become the go to tool. If this makes any sense lol.

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On the one hand, I totally hear you.

On the other hand, it’s ironic that you mention in the same post yearning for the days when people would post achieves and also asking for an app to hide rader io.

When it was achieves, people created an app that hid their achieves!

The solution is the problem is going to need more than a band-aid system because we’ve done this loop many times with different systems.

A better solution would be have an official pve ranking system like they so in arena. Then, like arena, people at similar levels of progress and experience will be grouped together.

So, do m1, que opens to m2, beat that, opens to m3, and you are placed with people who have also only beat 1 and 2.

In short, the only solution is for blizzard to put in their own player matching service for pve rather than randomly placing together anyone past a certain level or i-level.

In LFR, for example, I would have a normal level que open once someone cleared lfr and had a certain i-level from it


Dungeon summoning stones have been in the game since Burning Crusade.


I’ve got an easier one
list your own group.