đŸ€Ż Raider IO ruined PVE

I never said it was a “good” indication in the first place, just that it’s even less reliable because of RNG.

It depends on what you define as “difficult.” Everyone has different skill levels, and while 10-15 keys may be easily doable at the 390-400 range for skilled players, others struggle at the same item level in the 7-9 range.

It looks as though you have no IO score at all, which is worse than showing that you’ve at least attempted content.

The armory can’t be hidden, no. You can only hide your profile on the forums which makes it more difficult to find someone’s armory, but if you know a player’s armory URL you can still find them.

Yes it does. It keeps track of your seasonal best. It prefers in time over failed, which means if you have done a lower in time key and failed a higher one of the same dungeon, it will display the lower in time key instead. However, Raider.io will pull all the data available and display all of your keys done regardless of in time or failed.

There are also numerous avenues to find groups for dungeons.
Mythic Plus Friends: https://discord.gg/mythicplusfriends
Mythic+ Alliance: https://discord.gg/m8TRn4w
Mythic+ Horde: https://discord.gg/KgRfzpk
These are just a few available resources for that.


This game was never about the end, it was about the journey , that’s gone now.


That may be the case but you have zero chance of being invited to a PUG +10 at 390 item level. Zero. So I’m not sure why it matters much that it’s relatively easy to get to that level.

By far the fastest and easiest way to gear up in this game is M+. The stories of players getting up to 400 with nothing but world quests and warfronts are just that - stories. It doesn’t happen in reality. It’s just a lie told by people who really hate other people getting gear even when it doesn’t affect them at all.

Demonstrably false. I’ve gotten into 12 keys and timed them on 390-395 characters.

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It’s about both that and more now. Just because some people focus primarily on one thing doesn’t mean the others aren’t there.

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Where have you been? It’s been gone for a long time.

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It’s not raider IO that ruined the game, it’s players like you who only play 2-3 hours a week and get really good loot rained down on you from all the catch up mechanics.

Then cry that no one will invite them to their plus 10 because because the highest they have done is a +3

If you want the invites, then put in the time and effort that the higher IO players do

I am like 1299, I am grinding now in 13s and 14s to get my IO up. I also recognize I have no place in 16s and 18s.


Oh I agree for the most part, but if people want to shoot themself in the foot then we should let them so that they will stop complaining. It’s like WM. You don’t like it? Go hide your io score and you’ll be free of whatever issues you have with it is my philosophy at this point.

Thank you for confirming that it hides it in game as well though.

No, you are not.
Truly casual players wouldn’t care less for pushing high keys.


During the Mythic week I ran baby mythics on all 9 of my current 120s. I started my own groups for each of them since I tank/heal on most and I (greedily, mind you) went for the 390+ people
who signed up.

There were multiple 400s who couldn’t break 10k DPS on large trash pulls.

For the lols, I decided to try 370-390 people who had decent IO scores either on that character or on their mains/alts. Those people, despite being a lower item level, performed better than most of the 390-400 people I invited in my previous runs.

Item level means nothing when you can get free 400 pieces of loot from AFKing in a Warfront, a chance at 400 loot from a simple, not even challenging world boss, and Titanforging exists (my alts have gotten 415 Titanforges from something as simple as the Timewalking cache). There needs to be a way to qualify people, because right now item level doesn’t indicate ability or skill from my experience in just baby Mythics.


I’m a recently returned player

Hiding your .io score won’t solve the issue of not getting invited to PUGs. The only way to fix that is 1. roll a more desirable class 2. raise your .io score.

My 1215 .io hunter still can’t get invited to +10s so it’s not only .io that is the issue really, a lot of it is simply class balance. If I had shroud I could get into those same runs with 600 .io.

The character I am posing on is 399, and did most of her keys sub 395; One of my highest timed keys (2 months ago I gave this toon up) was a 13 shrine, at 393 item level, which was timed with nearly 3 minutes to spare.

Feel free to dig into it; check my IO out on this character. Cicera-Zul’Jin. Keys can be completed at 390 in the 10-13 range, in the timer.


This is what literally everyone with a clue does. It’s by far the most efficient way to pug groups for low keys.

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People need shroud for 10s? lol. I feel like nothing even does damage til you get to 15-16 keys.

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Nobody’s saying otherwise, but you aren’t getting invited to those keys pugging on a 390 ilvl DPS. You and Bearfu are both tanks, it’s much easier to get invites as a tank regardless of .io and ilvl.

Yeah, I don’t do a lot of dungeons because I prefer raiding, and this was the first time I wanted to try pushing my alts into dungeons. I also wanted to give people the benefit of the doubt that IO isn’t the end all be all.

Sadly, not impressed with item level as a metric. I know my IO score is bad, but I run M+ with a guild group.

Well, pugging M+ isn’t even intended. It’s aimed at teams and guilds, especially as you go farther up.

Hiding the score won’t help with joining most pugs at +10, no, but that doesn’t mean io is the problem. We all have access to our own keys each week so my advice is if you don’t have a guild or team is to do your 10, next week push your 9 and do the 10, repeat as necessary.


Not necessarily. You can easily have anywhere from 20-50 DPS attempting to squeeze into two or three slots depending on the key level and dungeon. A rogue with 600 IO isn’t going to be invited over another rogue with a higher IO score for the same dungeon.

Yes, the class you’re playing helps, and so does your score, but DPS are a dime a dozen and you can only slot three into your M+ group. There’s also the small matter of what the group leader’s looking for. If there’s only one DPS slot left, maybe they’re looking for a class with lust (e.g. hunter) because they already have a rogue. Maybe they’re looking for a druid or DK because they have a lust and a rogue, but not a battle rez. Maybe they’ve got all three, and they’re looking for AoE burst in the form of say a demon hunter.