šŸ¤Æ Raider IO ruined PVE

I wish cancer IRL was also 100% optionalā€¦


Raider IO is not about being elitist. Sure there are those who act in such a way, but I want to make sure that the players Iā€™m inviting are capable to do the content that I worked to push higher.

Iā€™m lucky to have an active guild but I work over 60+ hours a week and have 3 kids so my time is limited, and if my half hour is turned into an hour of dps constantly dying and taking large swaths of failure damage (preventable) then it becomes a waste of my time.

The amount of players who donā€™t understand concepts like using their utility to facilitate good strategy or obey basic mechanics in lower keys is quite prevalent, and for the most part would never take them on anything higher than a +10. Iā€™ve had pug healers refuse to dispel, players not soothing raging, stunning mobs in sanguine, dps moving into the aggro range of other mobs, and the list goes on.

This is why Raider IO is important. If players want to progress, push your own keys and start selecting what you believe will make a successful team. Then you will start to understand why Raider IO is so important.

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I agree with all of this. Itā€™s interesting that if you look at the people who are complaining about RIO, their highest key completed in time is around 4-6 but they are over 395 ilvl. So itā€™s obvious that they are trying to get in +10s because that is where they can get upgrades but they donā€™t yet have the knowledge or skill to be a useful member of those +10 pug groups.


Youā€™ve made me sad that there are no lava pits in BFA to MC or knockback people into. :cry:

To OP:
Raider IO didnā€™t ruin PVE. What is making you unable to join groups is the fact that ilvl is so easy to raise right now outside of challenging content. Before warforging, if someone had a high Ilvl, you knew they earned it by doing challenging content. These days everything is a loot lottery to the point where a fresh 120 can loot a 425 titanforge from a normal dungeon. Ilvl is now just a reflection of luck.

Consider this from the perspective of the person risking their own key:

When I have to pug someone for my key, of course I will check their IO and their number of timed +10 keys. Itā€™s the closest thing I have to guarantee that they have experience with this content. If I only invite people with high IO scores, I am nearly guaranteeing that my key will be done in time. My time matters, so I would rather stack the odds in my favor to get my key done in a timely manner.

If I decide to ā€œbe niceā€ and invite low/no IO score people to my key, I have a high chance of my key being depleted. I would then have to waste time putting more groups together to raise it again. If it rolls one of those dungeons, my key is basically dead for the week since I would have to deplete it all the way down to a +2 to even get people to start signing up. Do you have any idea how time consuming that is? As long as Iā€™m risking a time-consuming grind like that, I will only invite people with a high IO to my groups.

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7-9 level is where you need it most IMO.

Yeah, I check raider io just for my own amusement. It has no impact what-so-ever on my ability to get a M+.

Peeps need to learn to run with guildies and make friends.

I honestly do the same thing, I am currently sitting on a 14 mother load but I am saving that for my guild, but I donā€™t struggle getting into groups

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This is exactly why Raider IO is required for pugging 10+. I donā€™t even take guild members to 10+ unless they have cleared in time multiple 7+ because I just donā€™t have the time or the ability to teach them during a 10.

So make new ones. In game.

Thatā€™s what joining a guild is supposed to be.
I made friends with new guild in a new server I moved to, talk with them on discord, raid with them, etc, etc.

Spoken like someone who doesnt actually do the content they are talking about what a shock.

Hey hey everyone using raiderio in those plus 10 an above keys an all those people raiding heroic are elitistā€¦

Do you do any of that contentā€¦

No but trust me I know itā€™s all elitist

sure anyone can apply to a group.

you dont get invited to pug keys as a warlock, good joke

I will be waiting for someone to reply to you ā€œWell they are elitist and thatā€™s why I donā€™t do the content.ā€


Considering I currently raidlog on this character who is now relegated to an alt position, no not anymore. I will gladly take my +12 or whatever for the week and log off from a guildie. I pushed 1100 almost exclusively pugging though when I actually raided on this character a month ago.

You do you though.

Not really only certain affix combo I could think about but expecting a high IO for 7-9 is still laughable.

People ruined it, not some addon or site. If not raider io people would find other ways to measure each other. Itā€™s just the state of the game or rather the ā€œcommunityā€.

Try inviting a 100 .io tank for your +7 sanguine or bolstering keys and see how it goes. Of course .io matters at these levels. Obviously Iā€™m not saying you need 1000+ to do these keys but looking at their experience is every bit as important at those levels as it is at higher levels.

This horse is so dead itnis already glue. Come on man.

Letā€™s go over it again. It is a tool. In the hands of a master crafter it can be beautiful. In the hands of a pleb and it can be horrid.

I had a Kings Rest 10 yesterday. Guild leader wanted the offhand out of there and asked if I wanted to run my key. Told him I needed like 5 minutes.

We were only ones in guild on wanting to do a key. So I nto the queue he puts us. Asked if I had the addon. Said yes.

Oh a tank. What is his io and number of timed 10s?

Healer. Same question. Btw healer had a 355 offhand and still rocked it.

A slew of dps looked for some form of CC to help first boss. Chose a monk. Not based on IO, based on timed runs.

We 2 chested it. We did not look at a number and make a choice. We looked at a few numbers and used it to help guide our choice. And it was a cakewalk.

So, in summary. It is a tool. Use it responsibly or poorly, that is up to you.


I am speaking as a casual who enjoys low level Mythics. Raider IO does not in anyway bother me. I understand the need for it. I have been excluded from groups and I do not blame them. I have enough characters/specs to play that if I am unable to land one group I get in on another. No harm no foul. I would suggest thicker skin?

Life is too short to worry about stuff like this.


I understand both sides of the issue. That being said, itā€™s a necessary evil that has stemmed from WoWs current gear drop philosophy. Players who donā€™t know the mechanics end up wasting the rest of the groups time, and itā€™s nobodies job to carry a stranger.

I am slowly building up my score and watching guides and such to try to improve, vs an example from earlier today where I was in an 8 Shrine on my warrior and 1 dps and the healer died because they didnā€™t know the carve mechanicā€¦

Me too. That was back when ilvl wasnā€™t so easy to inflate, right?

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