šŸ¤Æ Raider IO ruined PVE

When was this ever the case? Youā€™ve been able to get raid level loot from AFKing PvP since the gameā€™s inception. Ilvl never meant anything. Before .io we just checked logs.

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To be fair, getting 410 without raiding or m+ would be very hard. I donā€™t think titanforging is particularly the issue. The issue is emmisaries giving normal raid level loot, and warfronts and weekly quests giving heroic raid level loot. Not that Iā€™m complaining too much, I enjoy the loot. Just saying titanforging isnā€™t all that much to blame in this case.


Yes, they do. Which is why despite the crying on the forums, LFR and LFD still exist. Normal raids, warfronts, island expeditions, all still exist. Because youā€™re right, casuals pay the bills.

Why you harping on one of two pieces of hard content in the game? Not everything has to be about you, mr casual.


You can inspect them and literally look. Takes 5 seconds.

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Except Blizzardā€™s response to the ā€œban RaiderIOā€ crowd was introducing M+ tracking on the armory. Your M+ progression is effectively public record now because you cannot hide your armory. You can hide RaiderIO. You can hide Warcraft Logs. You can even hide your forum profile. The one thing you canā€™t hide, though, is your armory. All your idea would do is make groups take a little longer to fill because people would just check the armory for the same information they checked RaiderIO for.


The armory dosent keep track of failed runs runs etc etc

I think you can make your armory private now. In any case, thatā€™s not even a solution. Blocking your IO and armory just makes you automatically declined from the same groups you want into. The only thing it does is weed you out faster.

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You literally posted why raid achievements donā€™t mean anything in one paragraph, then in the next you long for the glory days where people just got carried through raids for gear. Ilvl has never been a good indication of skill. Plenty of awful players get carried through raids and this has been happening since the game was released.

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Who cares though? 390 item lvel isnā€™t high enough to get invited to any difficult content anyway.

Failed runs donā€™t particularly matter, just successful ones.

No, the ā€œissueā€ is really M+ giving heroic level raid loot with no lockout. But this canā€™t be described as ā€œwelfare lootā€ which is really inconvenient for the elitists.

I put ā€œissueā€ in scare quotes because it really isnā€™t an issue at all.

I miss the days I advertised a group in trade chat This needs to return, we created relationships back then getting to the instance all together made it mean something way more than today.

I have good memories of helping out a noob do a specific dungeon that was the considered high end. The dudes happiness made for good memories

And you then wonder why wow is dying


Thereā€™s no reason you canā€™t still do that. People still do.


The poster I was responding to was saying titanforging was an issue as people who didnā€™t raid or do m+ could get 410 ilvl. I donā€™t see your point to that context.

Nah itā€™s not the same now, with the dungeon summoning stones and stuff like that, itā€™l just be weird, like people still playing in pandaria with their lvl frozen . Real changes need to be enacted by blizz

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Pretty sure you can hide your io now. You make an account and thereā€™s an option. I dunno how it affects the add on in game.

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People like OP seem to care. Lots of people get free loot until they hit the wall, then they have no experience in dungeons/raids but try to get in them because itā€™s the only place they can get an upgrade. Then they complain here about raiderio when they donā€™t get in groups.


You can still advertise you want to do a run a mythic keystone run in Trade Chat. People still do that. Ask around, say that you want to do some mythic keystone runs, level up your key. Sure itā€™ll take a while to level up your keystone to a +10/11 to get max rewards but youā€™ll eventually get there. And Keystone runs usually donā€™t take more than an hour.

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Wow is not dying, itā€™s declining, but not dying. Itā€™s a super old game thatā€™s lost its way a few times. The RPG elements currently in the game are weak and uninspired. The way dungeons function now is hardly top-shelf reason for the decline.

Heck, Iā€™d say their silly stance on no-flying hurts the population more than that.


Itā€™s lost itā€™s way because before even with random people we could get a pretty cool experience, I remember explaining the lava run in BRD to a group of total strangers, remember their surprise at finding this shortcut. Thatā€™s all been replaced by soulless content and raider io is just a symptom.

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