🤯 Raider IO ruined PVE

I guess. I still don’t blame the tools. If I buy a gun and shoot you… it’s not the fault of the people that manufactured the gun. Sure if guns didn’t exist then I couldn’t have shot you, but the overarching point is I chose to do something.

Extreme example, obviously… but hopefully it still gets my point across.

edit: A little bit more: I guess my point is, for me personally, I want people to talk to me or play with me or whatever with me, because they chose to do so… not because they are in some way obligated to do so.

You all think this game was more toxic before achievements or after implementation?

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That may depend on what parameters were are considering toxic to fall within. Most things I see called toxic I don’t feel are toxic at all.

This game has always had toxic players, even prior to LFD/LFG or achievements.

The difference is back then, you were blacklisted and you were forced to play with like minded people or you had to re-roll on a new realm where no one knew you. Today, you can just be as toxic as you wish and the likelihood of running into those same people are extremely slim to nil.

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Before achievements it was come to Org/SW/Ironforge/Shattrath for inspection. And in BC/Vanilla you could tell what bosses people have killed based on their gear. Achievements just sped up the process, but group vetting for end game content has been in WoW forever.

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You are FAR from beeing in 1%. I’ve donne more than you and I consider my self average WoW player

Lol I just realized Kem thinks he should be running 20 keys. 3k io. Lol

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This one. If I don’t see a number at all I assume it is 0.

Weird. I get into plenty of keys on alts when they see 1450 IO main. Sounds like a “you” problem.

A hidden IO score just shows nothing when you hover over someone in the group finder. Its a big red flag because it generally means they are ashamed of their score. Someone with a higher score would never hide it. They would want to flaunt their achievement.

Right I get that, but if someone hates io I think they should just turn it off shouldn’t they? Regardless of how good or bad their score is (someone with a good score they’re proud of won’t hate up though).

I mean in a perfect world they just use their own key and climb it. Its what everyone in anti-io threads should do. They either actually climb the key or they learn the hard way why people use io as a metric. Both scenarios are beneficial for them.


I’ve suggested that to people here who said their score is holding them back. If I was a solo player and I wanted to do 10s or 15s or whatever that is what I would do.

I get it, it sucks when people get garbage keys that are difficult to find groups for (shrine), but seasons last like 5 months or whatever. It was easier in season 1 when you could reroll your keys, but at the end of the day everyone started at 0.

A lot of people grouped together though and got a head start since having 5 keys to work with makes it easier to get variety. Even people in my guild who pretty much raid log have a score of ~1000 from one 10+ a week.

The solution to raising scores is pretty simple.

  1. The slower route is pushing your own key and hoping for no duplicates
  2. Find some friends. I guess according to the forums though every form of community is gone though even though there are several discords full of people.

Honestly a horrible idea. What you imply is to take away players choices on how THEY want to form their own groups. Haven’t players lost enough choices through the expansions? For this game you either A) Gear up to other players level by slowly progressing yourself ex) lower mythic keys, lfr, normal etc or B) fall behind and complain. With the abysmal TF WF its not difficult to gear up when a world quest could proc 400 or even 415 with doing little work. Overall Raider. IO is here to stay as it gives the players who they want to group with.

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Wanting the game to be a meritocracy is one of the best things to happen to the game.


App to 12-14s just fine. Weird world we live in isnt it?

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I member that Blizz already blocks entering if the ilvl is too low. You member?

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You must be the best warlock in the game! :wink:

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Totally which is why I main swapped to hunter since our raid didn’t have one and having more immunities is never a bad thing compared to having 3 warlocks.