🤯 Raider IO ruined PVE

What these threads really make me wonder, and I have asked before and never actually received an answer:

Why don’t the people in these threads complaining about how no one wants them because insert reason toss each other their btags and/or discord and group up?

sure, but that’s not the problem. A vetting service is undestandable given the current stated of things but that doesn’t mean that Raider IO is a good thing for the larger community either.

What guild is going to recruit inexperienced players into their guild, giving them the experience they need to participate, if they can just grab some random player from a ready pool of ready players?

Guilds and social wow outside of small groups of friends is dying. I think that over the long term, that’s going to be harmful to the health of the game’s social aspects and infrastructure.

You can seem a similar trend in general for online gaming. The average player is simply solo queuing their way to a sub par experience and Gaming Clans are a dying paradigm. Everyone is taking the easy way out and it’s detrimental to the reason we play online games; playing with other human beings who we can build lasting relationships with.

The last person I met online who I interact with regularly happened over 10 years ago. Very rare is it that people care to make connections to other players that they don’t already know or who aren’t a part of their ever shrinking social circles.

You’re making a lot of sense

The problem you have, I think, is with the players not the tool and I don’t know that there is anything to be done to fix the actual “issue”. We will see if Classic addresses the “back in my day…” people, but all I can say is I have a bit of a different recollection of things than the claims of everyone talked and helped and this and that. I do hope though people find what they are hoping to. :slight_smile:

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I’m half joking but go alliance. We are so starved for people that you’ll get in a 10 easily. If you can find one. I tried doing a underrot last night and there were 4 dungeons in total going. Total. But yeah I get quick invites and I’m flipping Ret.

I like how you specify experience and not skill :smiley:

Well, you’re not wrong. It annoyed me from the start that M+ was making raiding irrelevant. Many classes BiS come dungeons thanks to M+, and the removal of tier sets further amplified the problem since at least in Legion you wanted to raid for your set bonuses. You used to do dungeons to get gear and prep for raids. Now, M+ is the true endgame and raiding is just an alternative loot source.

Never did like the rushed gameplay, either. I wish Blizz could find a way to enhance challenge without imposing strict time limits on you.

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It really doesn’t measure skill. I don’t consider myself good at M+ but I usually run with guildies who do a lot and tell me when to double pull, who is interrupting what, they make the route on MDT, etc. I would say they are more skilled than I am but we all have similar scores.

Yea, exactly, I consider myself to be an average player. I’m not a Mythic raider, and i don’t really want to be. I only do a few M+ each week and started relatively late in the season so i don’t have the experience to really push past 10s yet.

I’d have to say the average player can do 10s once they get the experience, the problem is, most average players don’t want to put in the time to get the experience to complete them in time and feel entitled due to their ilvl (it’s how i felt S1)

RIO and focusing on building my score and using that as my judge of progression instead of ilvl is what turned things around for me. I stopped looking at it as a Gate Keeper but instead more as an Experience bar that i needed to fill up. Ever sense RIO has been extremely fun to use as a measure of my self growth, I don’t use it when building my own groups, but i use it to judge myself.


He doesn’t even have to do this really. All he has to do is run his own key. And he can do as many M+ dungeons as he wants.

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There is something that can be done: Blizzard can make the call if Raider IO is a good or bad tool and either endorse it, choosing to put the game down a different socially organized path, or to change the API such that nobody is allowed access to that information, forcing players back into organizing guilds and vetting people the “old fashioned way”.

What it comes down to is does Blizzard want tools and algorithms to be the driving force for player interpersonal interaction or do they want to foster the conditions that drive players to finding more organic methods for self organizing.

In my opinion, match making, which is essentially what Raider IO is, is a detrimental tool if your goal is to foster interpersonal interaction that happen organically and on personal levels. And while it may make our online gaming lives easier to just hit a button to magically be grouped up with other human players, it’s really is a less enjoyable experience overall.

Sure it does. Just run your own key. You can’t be declined from your own group.

I recently started playing my hunter again after not playing it since halfway through uldir. I had 375ilvl gear and my season 1 score was only around 400. I couldn’t get invited to a +5 let alone a +10.

So I just started running my own key, I invited players gearing alts who had good .io scores on their main. By the end of the first day of doing this I had done +13 Freehold in time, and geared up significantly. By the end of the week my .io score was 1215, without being invited into a single PUG group, only forming my own.

And this is playing a class that is not part of the M+ meta.

Aeskir - Caelestrasz if you want to see my hunter’s .io score.

I think the bigger picture is Raiding and not so much Mythic+. Getting a mythic group together is orders of magnitude less difficult and not even worthy of complaint in my opinion.

^ This.

Everyone in this thread, including you, is in one, so :man_shrugging:

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You don’t need an .io score to get into raids though. I routinely see guys with terrible scores or no scores at all in my heroic PUGs. You won’t get into an AOTC only run that 1 shots every boss but it’s very possible to get into raid PUGs with no score at all. Again because you can be replaced in a raid, the group leader isn’t risking much by inviting you since if you turn out to be terrible they can just get someone else.

You should know that’s not what will happen. People have always found a way to self-segregate. Again, RIO is the current tool being used to do that, but no more than that. Even were they to block the API at this very moment, if you think that people wouldn’t find another way to effectively do the same thing then you are probably being naive. I didn’t do any pugging until Wrath, but even then, which is supposedly the highlight of everything that was awesome… we still had gearscore.

We may wish for times past, but they are just that… past.

I dont think that Raider IO is the problem. I think it’s just a piece of a larger puzzle where a number of automated tools are being used to organize players rather than the players vetting their party mates as a result of organically meeting and playing with them.

I just think we disagree on what the issue stems from. You are blaming the tool(s), and I am blaming the people using the tools. :slight_smile:

I don’t

The biggest problem in BC was trying to get good group together for a heroic. You needed a fairly specific set of skills and there were many nights of logging early because we just couldn’t get a group.

M+ dungeons are fairly unforgiving and there are a lot of ‘ha ha gotcha’ mechanics that aren’t inherently obvious. When you get into 8’s and above iLvl isn’t going to save you from most of the mistakes you can easily make.

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if the tools weren’t made available, players wouldn’t be able to use them. It’s not like players made these tools themselves. The LFG tool was created by Blizzard. Without it, Raider IO would be nearly useless. Instead, you’d actually have to play the game with people, become acquainted, and vet them yourself. Now, LFG spams you with requests that you can pick and choose from.

I’m not even saying that these tools are bad, rather that they are changing the paradigm in a why that is leading players to less than optimal experiences.