đŸ€Ż Raider IO ruined PVE

One thing I would like to see is a different score for Pugs. Like you can have your main score and people who run with guildies or friends have that score, but then there is a pug score for when you find 3 or more people out of the group finder. That may help out people who have trouble with leavers.

I think he’s just acting out because he can’t do current content at a high level anymore let alone get into a new progression guild that meets his standards.

So something that would somehow denote someone that has an easy time because they do mostly guild runs vs someone who is left to the winds of fate? That is a really good idea.

Raider IO is horrible. I understand why it exists with gear being as easy as it is to get and not being an accurate measure of skill in a format that has no difficulty ceiling, but its horrible nonetheless.

Thankfully I don’t need to care about it as I’m casual as hell these days. Don’t enjoy M+ spamming much so I only ever do em when friends and guildies ask me to come along, which is usually just once a week, if that, and I casually raid with the guild and just have a bit of fun with it. Raider IO is horrible but I don’t need to care about it at all! So good! Don’t even know what my io is, and wouldn’t even know if it was good or bad if I knew.

Oh, and to the OP and anyone else who wants such a thing, blocking people from seeing your io wouldn’t help, it’d hurt you, because if they care enough to check your io before inviting, then they’re the kind of people who will assume a hidden io means you have a terrible io and will instantly decline you.

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Or we could all go back to helping one another.

Inclusion instead of exclusion.

But, humans will be humans.

Oh guys. I don’t think he’s trolling.

Look, if the devs need a way to add a soul back to the game they should dispose of ; the lfr lfg Finder. Make it about the journey again , remember when winterspring was a magical and mysterious place and getting there was an adventure rife with danger in my pvp server. I want that back enough with the template pve it cheapens everything.

Don’t say that!

I am going to go rock in a corner while in the fetal position.

I want to time keys, not be stuck in failing groups with people who don’t know how to interrupt.

I’m good with exclusion, even if it’s me being excluded by groups that surpass my experience or ability

Also want to mention that literally no one is excluded from getting a key of their own.


The all inclusive works for queue-able content but not really for M+. Like if you have a brand new healer on tyrannical weeks, you may never even finish the dungeon no matter how hard you try.


It’s one thing to invite everyone to your flag football team, but quite another to invite people off the street to a professional team.

Nothing is stopping you from forming your own groups and inviting whomever you want.

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Group finders, and LFR in general, are fine. And Winterspring is irrelevant to the topic, too, Blackrock Mountain would have been a better example what with there being 2 dungeons and 2 raids there, and it being a haven for priests MCing you into the lava etc.

Titanforging is the problem. Normal and Heroic dungeon finders are fine when they don’t give the same loot level as Mythic and M+, which both serve to give you control over who to invite into your group, with the only difference between now and vanilla being you manage it through an interface instead of spamming a generic message in trade. Ditto with LFR in comparison to Normal, Heroic and Mythic raids.

Problem is you can get mythic level loot in LFR with titanforging, as well as having sources of Heroic to Mythic level loot via Warfronts and emissaried etc. Getting a high ilvl these days is less about completing difficult content and more about luck and perseverance. A 5 ilvl Warforge, some tertiary stat or random socket, these are fine. A 50 ilvl titanforge is not fine, not at all.


lets be real, your average player isn’t a professional world of warcraft player.

It was an example, not a 1:1 comparison. Either way, if you have a set goal that requires certain things to complete, you aren’t going to be overly excited on bringing someone you know nothing about.

Thank you for reiterating my initial post. :slight_smile:


10 char

Yes!i miss those fights in the middle of black rock mountain , in like that tomb

These posts need to die.

You could literally say the same thing about achievements.

There is nothing to say you can’t just group up with people and do low keys and try to push together. It’s not hard to push your own key. I pushed my alt hunter’s key to 10 while having a 0 score and it was unlinked. You can STILL create relationships and progress through content. IT IS EXACTLY THE SAME.

How exactly are you affected by it? Do you feel like you should get todo content with 0 experience. Raiding is no different. Go ahead and try and join a good mythic raiding guild with no achievements. Guess what, won’t happen. Why? ilvl means nothing. Always has. You buy your way to a good ilvl. That’s why other forms of evaluating players is good.

These complaints make 0 sense. Wow is dying because of a 100,000 of other reasons. The main one being It’s 14-15 years old. How many games do you know with a world this big have lasted more then even a few years? it’s awesome to see the game and community still around after all these years.


Nah, it’s not just that. Titanforging is too simple an excuse. M+ is it’s own thing with it’s own meta, separate from raiding. Get rid of titanforging, you’d still have the issue that just because someone has high level raid gear, that doesn’t mean they have m+ experience or are any good in high level m+ keys.

There’s also just the basic numbers game - if there was no raider IO and you listed a +11 key and required a 405 item level, you’d still be instantly flooded with over 20 people trying to get into a small number of slots. Especially DPS. People will still want to try to find people with more m+ experience for their groups.