šŸ¤Æ Raider IO ruined PVE

The first person who replied to me said I was bad so I couldnā€™t get groups. Get a clue. Letā€™s have 5 people investigate your entire raid history and link it all and see what we come up with.

Get a job.

Nah man it wouldnā€™t. Just like ilvl wouldnā€™t.
Next would be an amplified wowanalyzer that told everyone how trash they were always.
The more data and tools we have the more people will use them, both for good and bad.

Kem this was the first person who replied to you. I would say youā€™re kind of being a snowflake rofl nowhere in the quote did she say you were bad.

Go for it. You can go through my 1500 posts on these forums and my 3-4000 on the old forums too and try to find where I made up stuff to look good. Only thing Iā€™ve claimed in this thread is that I have a higher io score than you while playing a less popular spec. You can verify that by looking at 1 webpage.

If someone calls me bad I donā€™t just make up a bunch of stuff to make me sound good because Iā€™ll look like an idiot when I get called out, which is kind of where youā€™re at currently.


it is already built in; armory (and in-game inspection) shows top level timed and not timed dungeons youā€™ve completed. There is no ā€œscoreā€ associated with it but itā€™s very much visible and in-game already.

I return!

Your first kill was December 16th, 2015. Your guilds average ilvl at that time was 738. I already linked kills at <700 ilvl. Again, your gear was NOT the same at the time of your kill.

Archimonde Mythic

Killed Dec 16, 2015 03:06:14 GMT

Recorded Raid Item Level: 738.85

edit: For funsies: The top 100 US guild:

Archimonde Mythic

Killed Nov 25, 2015 09:39:22 GMT

Recorded Raid Item Level: 727.55

I will leave you alone now though, I am starting to feel guilty.

No its not. It wasnt about race. It was about the language barrier. Sorry nice try though. Its a bad add on and shoiuld be blocked.

Kem, start your own key. At a 10+. Bring only people from the finder 10io above you and anyone you want below.
Then come back to to the thread and tell us how wonderful your xp was.

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Yeah but thatā€™s not ā€œreadily visibleā€ in the same way iLvL is. Casuals like simplicity.

I imagine your average/typical WoW casual (who is lazy enough as it is) isnā€™t gonna take the time to tab out, open a new internet tab, manually go to the WoW armory site, and manually look up a playerā€¦ and then rinse/repeat the process for each applicant in the PUG finder list.

A simple Blizzard-designed ā€œdungeon scoreā€ thatā€™s readily visible in the PUG finder would work much better, maybe put the number/score just to the left of iLvL score? :thinking:

Why would you give blizzard the opportunity to judge dungeons when the addon is already fully functional ?

Thatā€™s the thing, Iā€™m better than anyone here so not really true. As I also said I could join any 9/9 guild I want right now, just donā€™t have the time. I did it once(no one else here has) and I donā€™t feel like doing it again.

I am curious what people would say if something like RIO was added in-game. Some people claim they just donā€™t like 3rd party sites yadda yadda, but I have a feeling they would still complain.

Blizzard likely wonā€™t do it though since most of the time they are content to let addon authors do the heavy lifting, but stillā€¦ I am curious :slight_smile:

Get back to me about being the best when you run a server 2nd guild at any point in your career.

Did we get trolled? At this point I am hoping we got trolled.

You got undying(something almost everyone on my server got) and think youā€™re Method. Lol stop it.

This forum went from an lfr hero crying about not being able to get carried through m+ to elitists being elite. I love this community.

No thatā€™s the point. I donā€™t.
My guild was second best on the server in wrath.
You claim you are the better than everyone here.
All over one parse in an old expansion.
Your ego is super inflated.

Edit: I checked your lock for achieves in wrath and you got undying in 2016ā€¦oof

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Heā€™s 100% trolling at this point because every single thing heā€™s claimed has now been debunked. I guess I would be upset too if I raided 5 days a week and couldnā€™t manage to get top 100 US during the worst WoW expansion.

ā€œIā€™m better than everyone here in this M+ specific threadā€

-Sub 1k io guy


Iā€™m starting to think maybe the guy just bought the account. How do you go from getting a decent CE a couple expansions ago to struggling to do a 10 in time.

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