šŸ¤Æ Raider IO ruined PVE

I could app to any guild I want on MG, or ZG. I have friends who raid there and could easily get me 9/9M in a few weeks from now, but I donā€™t want to raid 4-5 days a week anymore.

I raid 5 hours a week and my rankings are better than yours this expansion lol.

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Iā€™m chill, but when 5 people are attacking you over the course of 2 hours in a thread, I start dropping nukes. Idc.

You play prot paladin, you arenā€™t even a dps, let alone a warlock.

Oh so youā€™re allowed to compare us but I am not, gotcha :slight_smile:

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Guilds that killed Archimonde early on: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/zone/rankings/8#region=2&bracket=4&boss=1799

Ilvl 691-693 (this isnā€™t even the lowest that was doneā€¦ just most of these killed it before you did)

Your ilvl at the time of your parse: 743

Tell me again how your ilvl was the same as the people killing Archi early on in the tier.


^ This is the main issue with raider io whiners


You said parsed not killed, youā€™re just making stuff up.

I lack sympathy for this type of thinking. You cannot create all content for all players. There has to be some form of content for people who play more and are more dedicated.

I will reiterate what I said earlier in this thread. NOT ALL CONTENT HAS TO BE CREATED FOR EVERYONE. I honestly donā€™t care if joe casual ever steps foot into M+ because his time is too limited. There are options for him. Normal, heroic, and heck, even M0.

Heā€™s not ā€˜missing outā€™ on the content, he can legit see it all, with the time he has, and on the level his time permits him to play at. Wanting admission into the harder/challenging parts of the game, but not wanting to put the time or effort required to do so is ludicrous and illogical.


Or youā€™re just making excuses and not wanting to learn the dungeons. Warlocks come to M+ all the time and do fine for us.

So you are counting parses where you did not actually kill a boss?


I am officially dead.


With gear scaling and rewards totally broken, ilvl hasnā€™t been sufficient as a metric for quite some time. You can easily find high ilvl people who are absolutely terrible at the game. Rio is the evolution of that fact.


heā€™s prob the kind of player that stands in the bad then blames the healers rofl

No you idiot. We killed the boss with low ilvl too, but the high parses all happened at high ilvl. Jesus dude give it a break youā€™re so dumb I canā€™t anymore.

We had a Warlock in our raid group that would unload during hero (I was alliance back then!) then die, then come back and get heroed again for parsing shenaningans. :stuck_out_tongue:


Raider IO is the price we pay for Heroic Raid gear falling from the sky.

If anyone can get 400 gear from Warfronts, World Bosses, Mythic Loot Chests, etc AND that 400 gear can Warforge higher then iLevel becomes a meaningless stat.


You realize nobody would say anything to you but you came in here talking down to people saying you were a top 10 world warlock in WoD. Then we found out you are just a slightly better than average lock, but you keep doubling down lol. You have 2 cutting edge achievements out of the last 9 raid tiers but you hold them over everyone like they should bow down to you ha.

If youā€™re chill then actually be chill and donā€™t talk down to people and flaunt fake accolades.

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3d sarth 10 man before ulduar
Undying before ulduar
Sorry bro you arenā€™t all that amazing and special if we want to talk about old crap.

Make up your mind darling.

Either your 116 rank that you are waving around proves nothingā€¦ or all we have to go by is claims. I can say I was rank 15 when I killed Heroic Garrosh, but that doesnā€™t make it truth.

I have something to go check on thoughā€¦ so carry on.

Honestly Iā€™m surprised Blizzard hasnā€™t just implemented their own ā€œbuilt inā€ version of raider io into the game. A ā€œbuilt inā€ raider io-type score would probably put a lot of these complain threads to rest :thinking:

They did the same thing with gearscore/iLvL back in the day, and I donā€™t see casuals complaining about iLvL on the forums

Thereā€™s countless raider io whine threads, on the other handā€¦ theyā€™re a dime a dozen :roll_eyes: