🤯 Raider IO ruined PVE

Right because you haven’t gotten CE since WoD either.

You could find some buddies who want to spam with you.

My buddies alt warlock spams keys just fine and has a significantly higher IO than you currently do.

It seems like your problems with io is more you don’t want to jump through the hoops because you got “cutting edge in WoD lmao”

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I got Cutting Edge in MoP. I now know I have a right to demand entry to all groups.

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Very middle of the pack for the current raid, actually.

  1. Druid - 132,998
  2. Priest - 115,126
  3. Paladin - 102,872
  4. Shaman - 97,500
  5. Mage - 90,503
  6. Monk - 89,427
  7. Warlock - 86,189
  8. Demon Hunter - 84,605
  9. Rogue - 80,572
  10. Hunter - 79,311
  11. Warrior - 76,715
  12. Death Knight - 56,711

Lol. Man this guys claims keep getting better and better.

Item level was a better indicator than nothing. PvP gear often didn’t really count for raiding. Item level at least meant some experience even if the player wasn’t good before gear rained from the sky. Rarely has anyone ever checked logs for a quick run. Looking at logs with a quick glance (not digging into the details) is probably just as poor as any other method.

The “old” days:
Do you pick player with a 5000 gearscore you don’t know or do you pick the player with bad gear you don’t know?

Do you pick player with 1200 IO score you don’t know or do you pick the player with a low IO score you don’t know.

None of it has ever been an indicator of skill. Just lowers your risk with the people you pick. Raider IO is just the latest incarnation of it. If it goes away there will be something else. For more difficult content people will always find something to judge you quickly with if pugging.

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lol, where’s the popcorn gif when you need it?

Cool, so then it’s even harder to parse since the top parses on every fight are warlocks and rogues. Also the first 4 are hybrids so take that with a grain of salt since the three specs are all in different brackets.

Keep thinking you “got me”.

Here ya go.

Still the best quote of the thread. I just sent it to my guilds discord. It’s too good!

That’s… not how parsing works. Parsing ranks you against others of your class/spec and by ilvl.

Should show them the 116 US parse above top 10 world guilds warlocks too.

If there’s less players with your item lvl and class and spec, it’s a lot easier to get a top parse. I know you’re slow, but come on dude at least try.

Its called not being bad and trying to jump right into higher keys so you wipe the dungeon and ruin someones key. From the perspective of a player who spent the time to learn the dungeon i dont wanna deal with casuals who really dont take it seriously. How hard is it to do lower keys to get ur raiderio score up so u can get into higher keys

What they really should do is give it the treatment they gave to gearscore when they implemented ilvl.

Bake it into the core game UI so an alternate site isn’t necessary to look at in the first place.

Just make it so your M+ and Raid experience is easily visible to all when you apply to groups, and the whole problem is solved.

No more need for Raider . io because WoW itself would already have the functionality it uses to improve the game and improve the group content experience already in it.

If this addon was removed I probably wouldn’t tank or heal for pugs anymore. Then again I try to stick to my guild anyways.

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Where was the top 10 every tier tho?

Well obviously. The point was, however, if you were as good as you think you are then your parses would show it. If you were a top 1% player, like you initially claimed, your parses would reflect that.

Remember how bad it was before raider io?

Even with ilvl I wouldn’t invite you you’re to low ilvl.

Love it, but I should have been specific: the Colbert popcorn gif :stuck_out_tongue:

Someday I’ll get trust level 3…

Where was the CE ever tho? Oh wait, I forgot you’re bad.