🤯 Raider IO ruined PVE

I aim to please.


Oh yeah, gotta love the Naxx PuGs demanding Ulduar ilvl for their group.



My 164 all star rank is better than any rank you’ve ever gotten lol. Make any excuse you want to cover up your lies and bad parses ha

Haha, yes, let’s make fun of someone for being “bad” because they don’t have the time of day to actually commit more than five hours a day to raiding or gearing.

People have lives, and he’s just showing his opinion – and the perspective of a casual player.

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Oh boy do I remember. ICC pug looking for people with a gearscore that would indicate they need absolutely NO gear from ICC. Good times. :wink:

People acting like it was any different back in the day are hilarious.

Your achieves are not impressive at all tbh

I’m just here to have fun :smile: grats on CE during WoD when the game was crap lmao

He’s free to make his own groups or find his own friends of casuals, just as other people are free to use Raider IO.

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You know, I was kinda thinking the same thing. Congratulations on getting a CE because literally half the player base quit.


More people raided then than now, but sure. Hardstuck heroic raider rogue that only does M+(shocker). We aren’t even on the same level, not even close.

Did you see me mention -ANYTHING- about Raider IO? No, you didn’t.

I don’t care if anyone uses some special snowflake addon to nitpick raid members, but being an absolute ***hole to people for sharing opinions is laughable.

Right? Haha. I didn’t even play during MoP and WoD, then quit after EN in Legion. If CE existed in BC, Wrath and Cata though I’d have a bunch. He has 2 in WoD and says he’s the best lock in the world currently.

We making up lies now? I never said I was currently the best. I haven’t played hardcore since EN. Which I have kill dates months before you btw.

“You can’t judge me based on my M+, it’s a dumb system”

“Your M+ isn’t high enough to speak to me!”

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Except I haven’t made any claims of being good at the game. You have made some and they have turned out hilarious.

LFR king speaks. Lol not even going to bother.

My realm doesn’t really have many people in it so none of us care about mythic raiding.

Also raiding is kind of boring as a whole for me. Sorry io is somehow preventing you from doing keys even though you could just run and push your own. Oh wait:

That is entirely nobody’s fault but yours

The best? No. One of the best, yes. In case you forgot, you claimed to be a top 1% player. You are not. That’s where allllllllll this has stemmed from. Don’t let your fingers write checks that your actual recorded experience can’t cash.

Want to say you are a better than average player? Fine. Want to say you are a good player? Also probably fine. Want to say you are better than 99% of people who play the game? You should have expected being called out.


Good for you? Stop talking to me lmao.

And yet…you took the time to look up my armory and quote me?

Sorry even an LFR pleb can see you’re full of crap and calls you out on it.

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