🤯 Raider IO ruined PVE

We got bamboozled :frowning:


260 US. I lost points because our guild failed at Mannoroth so hard and I never got to parse on the first boss.

Top 10 world turned in to top 300 US really quickly there

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I out dpsed the warlocks in top 30 though, just missed a few points.

The real question is are you or anybody you know even in the top 1000 on any of these lists? 116 US ain’t bad. Out dpsed a top 30 allstar warlock on Archi.

You can already do that, you can turn off your information in “IO” and set your armory profile to private. They are not going to ban it because they are not only providing the public stream “IO” receives it data from but they actually implemented their own light version of it on your armor profile. It already shows your successful keys and how long it took to complete the instance.

The reason WoW is dying it the people misusing tools intended to help them. That and the insane level of entitlement much of the player base suffers from…

I have a rank 44 US healing parse for Mythic Champion of the Light. So 260 US seems pretty bad because I’m terrible at the game lol.

Healing isn’t even close to dps parses. Our rdruid was top 10 world and she was solo healing most of the fights.

Well if we have branched out to top 300 US then I can play. Of course we will have to go even further back to MoP… but that still counts, right?

Any other excuses you’d like to get out now?

I’m actually surprised 260 warlocks were subbed during WoD. But hey, maybe you beat a few people.

You wish you were top 300 US for allstars, let alone actual parses. Your guild ranking was maybe top 1000 if I had to guess.

Most guilds had two warlocks.

You were saying?

My guild in SoO.

For some reason it says US163 rather than US1000.

Cool you’re pretty average. Did you parse high too?

You know what’s hilarious, I was US 164 all star Prot Paladin in Uldir. I didn’t even know lol.

My sides are hurting haha. This is too good.

You mean, you got a high allstar spot playing one of the worst tanks this xpac? Don’t say it ain’t so. Try doing that as a Monk or DK.

That’s like me playing sub rogue and getting 100% parses and flexxing it. Nobody cares.

Hahahaha the excuses! US 260 not good if I can get US top 200 lol. I barely even play WoW.

I just told you why it was that way, but you clearly don’t understand how rankings work.