šŸ¤Æ Raider IO ruined PVE

Raider io is the best thing since butter. It allows you to first set a goal for yourself, even if you donā€™t get loot, you can at least improve your score. IO gives you a incentive to not spam the same dungeon over n over. IO makes it so you can pug with confidence that your party knows the dungeon. It does make it harder to get into dungeons starting out, but all it takes is a few good dungeons and you can get high io quick.


You think you can buy top 100 world achievements? Youā€™re dumber than you already look b.

Where is your proof that you have top 100? Achievements for that donā€™t exist.

edt: Unless you mean hall of fame? Which in that caseā€¦ yes, you most certainly could buy it. I am bored now though. /waves


Here are the top 100 warlock parses for Archimonde in HFC. Weird how youā€™re not on there

Edit - I actually donā€™t see that you have any top 100 parses in HFC. You making this all up? Epic troll actually.


Itā€™s called wowprogress, I guess LFR heros donā€™t know.

Just so we are on the same page. I have done Mythic before (well before it was called Mythic), but donā€™t anymore. I am well aware of how things work, cupcake. You arenā€™t going to make any headway in trying to convince me, or anyone else, that you have even the faintest idea of what you are talking about. You should probably just stop or I will be inclined to mail you a shovel for Christmas to help dig that hole you seem determined to dig.

116 US, pattyj the warlock below me is one of the best warlocks in the world.

No it didnā€™t.

Allstars is different than top 10 parse btw, allstars is points you earn from all three specs over all boss fights.

Good on you for linking that though, reminded me of all the good warlocks who used to play. A guy in Vodka did the same dps as me at 115, thatā€™s a top 10 world guild lol.

I have a rank 19 world dps parse for Prot Paladin on Normal Champion of the light on patch 8.1.

I must be insane at the game!!


Here ya go, boo.

Remember when heroic raiding ilvl gear didnā€™t rain from the skies for doing almost nothing and you actually had to do the raid to get the gear?


Lol you see me on there next to top 10 guilds and think ā€œoh, heā€™s actually amazingā€. Big oof, you thought though.

You know we can see the rankings of guilds you have been in, right?

If not, we canā€¦

Is the issue that youā€™re having a hard time completing a M1 or that you canā€™t get anyone to join your group for your key?

Because honestly weā€™ve seen this exact thread often enough that Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s a fake post.

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Yeah, and you see that parse ranking vs guilds way better than mine? Even more evidence Iā€™m better.

Hey man, so far I see that I have a top 20 world dps parse and you do not.

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You talking about allies getting free loot? I dont see a problem with that.

ā€œBut they didnt earn it!ā€ Then go roll an ally and get free loot?

Normal btw, most people didnā€™t even do normal.