Itâs cheating to wait? Well I guess this is where weâll disagree. I donât see an issue with someone having the ability to wait for CDs and then do another pull. And I donât think the point is to think about many of the players who wonât even be at those levels. I think it creates a wall that intimidates players to the point of not even wanting to try.
It isnât playing the game the way it was intended if you sit there and wait for your cdâs every time you kill something. Why the heck would anyone even want to play that way.
Youâre right. Why would someone play like that in Torghast unless they have AMPLE amount of time to do so? It just doesnât seem like a practical way of spending your time in the tower that would result in getting a reward thatâs worthwhile.
Also weâve waited in Raid plenty of times to wait for CDs before trying to pull bosses. So Iâm not sure where in the Tower and Raids are so different that thereâs a need for a timer.
Isnât there more to the Shadowlands alpha build then just Torghast? Of have they not added in any other content?
Donât think theyâve really added anything in there to the alpha outside of Torghast. Weâre still waiting on the World Quest 2.0 system they talked about. And what the progression for Covenants are going to be by the time the game launches. Not to mention the lack of information on whatâs going on with PvP.
Retail is PvE scripted content on steroids and theyâre at their breaking point. They are in a sense hitting a point on abstraction where DRs are kicking in and the community is split on what is the best on rails system when in reality all on rails systems are terrible for an MMORPG.
MMORPG is about community. Itâs about not being scripted. Itâs about players having agency and the mysterium tremendum et fascinans factor. Itâs about logging in and not having any preconceived idea of what will happen during those hours. Sadly retail WoW went the other way and through a combined effort of WoW devs and D3 devs we got an ARPG masquerading as an MMORPG.
Iâm not surprised the alpha testers are hitting their DRs. Not surprising at all. This is what you get for going the ARPG route. This is what you get for not entrusting your community of players to make their own way in the world you create. This is why Classic was/is so popular.
How many times do you actually do that in the raid? If you are killing one boss for one chance at loot and constantly wiping that seems to be a little different than waiting for cooldowns on every mob so that you can finish a floor that really you shouldnât be in a position to finish with your gear/skill or whatever.
I think the concern is with pug group play and the kind of problems that will cause.
Sometimes itâs more fun to play the game outside of itâs âintendedâ parameters.
They only have two zones with quests in them and the new starting area for 1-10.
And even that last zone had major bugs that had people getting their character locked out.
They have very little actually in alpha so far.
That doesnât sound fun to me at all. Oh lets sit here and wait 10 minutes for lust and then next pull lets sit here and wait 10 minutes for lust again and again and again.
I hate timers in all games, in every fashion.
Timed dungeons. Timed runs. Races. Time-gated content.
All timers do is encourage cheesing exploits and min/maxing cookie-cutter builds.
When you wipe hundreds of times on a single boss? Plenty. Thing is I donât see the harm in waiting unless everyoneâs waiting to get anything remotely close to Mythic ilvl loot. Other than that I see no reward thatâs worth having 2 soft enrages thatâs meant to slow you down.
I somewhat disagree. Timers have existed in the game for a very long time. The issue players seem to be having in recent times is how thereâs a more direct timer rather than one thatâs focused through game mechanics.
You donât appear to raid, you donât appear to do mythic plus what makes you think you will do the content in Torghast that has timers anyway?
Same boat, till the timers / torments are gone i might try something else (another game) out to pass time. I would of left already but excitement of no timers was one of main draws cause so much content in bfa i couldnt do. I dont want to go another expansion like that.
One does not know if a person is an alpha tester in the general forums.
it to late to take the timer out you allready have the âyou lied about timersâ crowd but to take the not really a timer but kinda a timer out brings in the âyou caved to the whiners crowdâ best to just cancel shadowlands and turn off the servers blizz cant win and should just pack it up
Tell me would you do the heroic raiding difficulty of content in that tower? OR would you be happy getting your legendary materials in an easier difficulty.
Iâd rather have actual difficulty. We call timers âfake difficultyâ for a reason.
Not everyone should be forced to do raids and mythic plus.
Timers is systematic in conditioning players to do the above activities.
People just want to play to relax not push for that next hit in adrenaline.