šŸ“‹ WoW Classic Realm Population Statistics - January 2020 - Do You Guys Know a Better Source of Information?

I watched it, the problem is you didnt watch a few minutes longer when he presented the exact number from the engineers.

EVERY night at PRIME-TIME in the U.S. ALONE there are:

  • 500 Molten Core instances (15,000 players)
  • 150 Onyxia instanes (2,500 players)
  • 250 Blackwing Lair instances (6,000 players)
  • 700 Zulā€™gurub instances (10,000 players)

Did I make it easy enough for you? This was also in 2005, over a YEAR before TBC. Youā€™ve lost this, just admit to being woefully wrong and move on.

I was refering to your contention of the ironforge.pro accuracy. It is an estimate based off an average metric and not a actual numbers.

The video does concur with the statement that only a small percentage of players raided in Vanila.

those numbers actually add up to 33,500 (less than 35,000)

im not sure what your point of bolding that people raided every nightā€¦Molten Core wasnt cleared in 28 minutes in vanilla. Guilds raided the entire week and didnt necessarily clear it. So those were the same people raidingā€¦

Data on static populations will be mostly meaningless from all sources. The only metric thatā€™s remotely interesting is how how many people are logged on during peak times and non-peak times. Numbers on total population canā€™t tell you which ones are still active and which ones are alts.

Oh my god, lmao!

Watch. The. Video.

ā€œBut Iā€™d like to point out that most raiding guilds do Onyxia once a week, and they do Molten Core one night a week, so this is different groups that youā€™re seeing.ā€

ā€œOn a lot of servers, we will see 500 people in Molten Core at Prime-Time, every day of the week.ā€

ā€œOn the weekend, like right now, thereā€™s gonna be 35,000 people in Molten Core and Zulā€™Gurub.ā€

How about you do some honest math now instead of this garbage:

Also completely ignored this:

Q. Overall, what percentage of level 60 players do you think have killed Ragnaros?

A. I donā€™t have firm statistics, but my gut feeling is around 25 percent.

Q. And what about Nefarian?

A. From the gut, Iā€™d say maybe 15 percent.

Kaplan contradicts everything you say.

Stop trolling kid.

ā€œFrom my gutā€ is a factual basis for numbers.???

He says in the video he has no clue what the numbers areā€¦but the 35,k raiding number is accurate because he got it from 2 programmers that had access to it.

Yeah, the 35k number is accurate.


Also doesnā€™t include Onyxia or Blackwing Lair in that statement. Can you please admit to being wrong now and go away?

Its the same people raiding all week. People did not clear raids in 2 hours during vanilla.

Okay buddy, selectively choosing which parts of the video to believe and which parts not to believe means youā€™re at the end of your rope.

Have a good night, try to find something better to do than trolling a video game forum.

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Canā€™t tell if you are trolling or actually trying to participate in the discussion - if itā€™s the latter, thank you for the conversation. Even though I completely disagree with you thereā€¦

how do you know this? what are the actual numbers?

and the reason why blizzard doesnt post numbers, is they dont want to show a shrinking player base. it is not good for stock holders

yeah but itā€™s bad for stock prices.

Man, I cant tell if youre just stubborn or if youā€™re really as thick as youā€™re showing here

Youā€™re right - I do not know the actual numbers, but I have high level characters on multiple realms, and I participate on forum discussions on these realms. When the whole realm - Deviate Delight - says we need more Horde, and the websites show that there is more Horde, than the Alliance, I know that these sources are presenting false information.

-thatā€™s what I mean when I said ā€œwe all DO know whyā€ in the clip :slight_smile:

probably both :slight_smile:

I donā€™t see the Horde leaving their comfy servers to come to Heartseeker in droves; double standard after all the P2-preBG threads. After all, I thought the Horde liked to kill Alliance, or is that only when thereā€™s a near even realm balance, or an over the edge advantage?

Horde players who wanna live that pvp life can solve their own problems and rerollā€¦

But horde players are not about that pvp life, are they.

I love this. I hope all pvp servers end up being 99 percent horde!