šŸ“‹ WoW Classic Realm Population Statistics - January 2020 - Do You Guys Know a Better Source of Information?

I think the solution to that happened by people quitting.

Densities appear to be much lower now. Way back (2007ish)in arguments about ratios, some dude calculated based on map size and server cap, that 7:1 was the ratio to fear. Its too spongey to assume youll bump into 1.4 enemies on decent density servers.

Ratios are approaching retail relevance (none, for pvp) because of crz bgs. The pain for small pop servers will be the economy, lack of raids, and finding pvp targets to rank once they figure out that bgs are not enough around r10 to progress with sanity.

As you and I know, that Faerlina ratio of 7:3 is legit, but at least its more populated. I predict more alliance pvp will just transfer off to Heartseeker, Pagle, or alliance heavy servers.

Mankrik and Pagle are as one sided as I expected them to beā€¦ Blizzard shouldnā€™t name realms after Alliance or Horde heroes.

Not only Mankrik and Pagle. I really think they messed up with the names of the other servers as well - especially the first 12. Whitemane was the only cool-sounding name. Scarlet Monastery references - I get it, but dude - the names of the characters inside that dungeon are AWFUL!

Love your videos as always! Thank you for the shout-out!

That site only tracks people listed on Warcraft Logsā€¦

Not everyone raids. In fact, a large portion of the classic player base doesnt raid, has yet to raid or doesnt log their raids. You cant base census data off of a site, that by its own admission, doesnt even account for an unknown portion of the server populationā€¦

The numbers from Ironforge are less than worthless when trying to determine a servers population.

No they arenā€™t, why would they be worthless? The most populated servers listed there are the most populated servers even if you count all the non-raiders and people that donā€™t log their raids.

Every server has casuals, every server has people that donā€™t log. The margin of error canā€™t be high and itā€™s accurate enough to say which servers are dead and which are thriving.

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Im sorry you cant read, i already stated why.

[1] Not everyone raids. You may think they do, they do not. Id go so far as to say more people do not raid, than actually raid.

None of these people show up on the census and you have no way to determine how many of them there are or whether they are the majority.

[2] Even people that do raid, do not all raid log. If they do not raid log, they are not accounted for in any way by that site.

So what good are the warcraft logs number of a PORTION of the people who raidā€¦when there is literally no way to determine how many do not raid and how many people raid but do not log? or even if raiders or non-raiders are the majority?

Its worthless.

Iā€™m sorry you donā€™t have critical thinking skills. Iā€™m not going to bother trying to explain this to you because you donā€™t have the ability to comprehend any of this.


Sorry hun, 1% of the player base raided in vanillaā€¦

Is it more now? Sure it is, but its nowhere near the bulk of the level 58+ players and you do not have anyway at all to prove it one way or the other.

PS critical thinking skills doesnt mean what you seem to believe it does or you mis-used it.

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Even though it might not represent the total population of the realm - it still represents the faction balance pretty accurately. There is no such thing as one faction that has more % of raiders, then the other. Even if only 1-10% of all players on the realm do raids, it still gonna show the balance correctly.


Wrong, you donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about at all.

The population breakdown is accurate on ironforge.pro. The exact number of players is not, but all the numbers there are relative to each other.

Herod is the populated server, fact.
Heartseeker is the most populated Alliance PvP server, fact.

Because the same metric is applied to every server on that site. Are you comprehending this yet? The site tells you which servers are the most populated, and which faction on those servers is the most active. You donā€™t need absolute numbers to determine this.

Use your brain.


Based on what?

What in the world would lead you to believe that there are an even number of raiders proportionately per faction?

Because it sounds good?


This is what it looks like when someone is arguing just to argue.

and admitting is the first step to recovery
good on you crusader d

Time for you to use your critical thinking skills.

[1] Your linked video states 35,000 people raided on the weekends during 2005.
[2] WoW had 2,500,000 subscriptions in 2005

So what percent of WoWā€™s playerbase raided according to your source?

35,000 / 2,500,000 = 0.014 = 1.4%

No, it absolutely does nothing of the sort.

It tells you about a portion of the people that are raid logged through Warcraft Logs.

If half the guilds on my faction do not raid log and 90% of the opposing faction do raid logā€¦what do the numbers mean? NOTHING< because you have no way to tell who is logging, who is not logging or if there are 70% of the population pvping and not raiding at all.

The numbers are completely apples to oranges without knowing what percent of the people raid log on each faction.

Wow, your bias shows completely. Rewatch the video and listen to his words, Iā€™m not wasting time for your post that is chock full of misinformation.

Q. Overall, what percentage of level 60 players do you think have killed Ragnaros?

A. I donā€™t have firm statistics, but my gut feeling is around 25 percent.

Q. And what about Nefarian?

A. From the gut, Iā€™d say maybe 15 percent.


Can we agree that these numbers are ā€œEstimatesā€ ? It is true that not all people raided in vanila, I remeber some metric that Blizzard released back then and it was something like 5%, with 3 % only successfully raiding all the way.

It is why they changed things around for raids, why the 40 mans went away etc.

It required too much effort and complexity for most players.

The video states clearly that the engineers supplied him with accurate numbers that 35,000 people raided on the weekends.

Im sorry you didnt watch your own video. (timestamp 4:01) total raiders 35k

1% of the player base raided in vanilla and your video states that if you are capable of basic math.

No, the video clearly states the number of raiders (35k) was factual and pulled from the engineers.

That number is indeed not an estimate.

You canā€™t even bother to watch the first few seconds of the timestamp and accurately quote the video.

Youā€™d be AWFUL at that game where you whisper a story in a circle. Trolls are getting desperate these days.

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First - it is obvious, that nowadays there are much more raiding, then there was back in the days. People have better internet connection, and discord made it much easier to communicate.
Second - these numbers are estimates, and i mentioned that as well. But we gotta work with what we got. Player population is the number #1 thing that you gotta look at when you choose the realm. Even if this data give you an approximate idea how the balance looks like, it is still important for many people. There is no official data, and there probably wonā€™t be anytime soon.