📋 WoW Classic Realm Population Statistics - January 2020 - Do You Guys Know a Better Source of Information?

Hello, Classic WoW Forum! :slight_smile:

Recently, I’ve been trying to find a good source of information for WoW Classic Realm Populations. As you all know, Blizz don’t want to publish their data, and the two most-trusted online databases - WoWhead and WoWProgress - have been silent since September - that was the last time they released the charts.

If you try to Google search WoW Classic Server Population - it’s gonna give you wowclassicpopulations and wowpop as the first search results, and both of these sources are terrible - their information either contradicts with the actual numbers, or is highly inaccurate.

The only place I found that has a decent data on realm populations - is IronForge. On Reddit they also recommended Warcraft Logs - it has pretty good information on the guild progress and classes, but I couldn’t find an info on Classic populations there.

Do you guys know other good sources on Classic WoW Realm Population? I’m curious if there is another database that has similar or more accurate data. Thank you for your time!


Ironforge.pro actually pulls its information from warcraftlogs, so it’s really one and the same.


There is no actual accurate census data sadly. Idk why, I feel people would be able to make a more informed decision on where to roll or transfer to


It was even said in the video that these numbers are speculative. The numbers shown there are also wrong for my server at least they have Benediction as 3533 total players and the ratios being 46.6 to 53.4 percent. My honor spy last week had at least 2500 horde players last last week that got 15 hks or more. 2500 is not 53.4% of 3533.


Great for ratios and relative server sizes. Matches AH ratios.


They dont claim numbers are exact

3533 players that have logged their raids.

Raid logging probably isn’t the most accurate. The only real way to tell is play the game, even then that’s subjective.

My main is on benediction, and according to the honor tab I was 3057th on alliance side, I do not PVP. I just got passive kills from traveling with my guild/group to various places.


blizz prob too embarassed to release the real info.


I just don’t think they wanted to exasperate the problem that already happened with alliance crying so hard that they all ditch a pvp server and kill it before phase 2 is even over.

If the info was free and open then people could use realm data as a catalyst to just get people to ditch (oh no the realm pop is 1.4:1 guys we better leave that’s too hard for me)

Without the official data, all we can do is speculate. However, I do think that the information on the people who raid is relative to the ratio / balance between the factions. The majority of the people who do PvP are also clearing out MC and Ony on weekly bases.

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They can’t because the #nochanges crowd would freak out. This info wasn’t available in vanilla.

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That’s a large enough sample size to figure faction ratios within a 2-3% margin of error.

And based on what I’ve seen they check out for both Stalagg and Heartseeker.

Why is that bad? Just fess up and merge. Easy. Rename whining? No big deal. Its a compromise.

Which is not a good source. It’s based on Warcraft Logs, a site that collects submitted raid logs and it likely has a huge bias. It depends on PVE raiders self-reporting and doesn’t represent well anyone that doesn’t raid.


Ya, don’t tell a certain braindead paladin this information tho. His name starts with a D >.> Ma gawd ppl make my brain hurt with their derp. ily tho Graff.

blizz prob too embarassed to release the real info.

activision prob too embarassed to release the real info.


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With all of these sources (ironforge.pro and wowcensus sites), all you can REALLY tell is roughly what the faction balance is.

You can’t get absolute numbers from any of this data, because not everyone is online when someone is scanning with the census mod, and CERTAINLY most people don’t bother to upload logs of their raids.


What I did around p1 then in p2, was who parses on both sides and AH checks nightly for a week.

Who is messed up, too. I tried finding a ratio of population to AH listings and have a number…but its still a guess.

I reran it one server on Friday, and for sure there is a massive drop in ah transactions. But its also holiday…The drop matches the loss of raid parses on ironforge.pro …again…holiday

I cant say X players, but the drop is indeed considerable. Ill check in Feb, too

Bottom line is faction ratios on ironforge.pro look pretty legit compared to AH fwiw


Well that is exactly what I am trying to say. Exact numbers is not as important, as knowing the faction balance. Because that is what affects the gameplay and the world pvp the most. We all know for a fact, that it takes the Horde much longer to get into AV —> if there is 60/40 disbalance in Horde favor, expect getting camped at every Flight Path on that server. Some Alliance players are into that, though…

They use logs as a data source, yea it might miss the super casual players, but if your a raider, its a good indication of how many guilds are raiding on a server and a faction.

If your an alliance raider, it makes sense to choose the server with 30 raiding guilds over the one with 3.