✩ Reminder that we still need an actual broom mount for Hallow's End! ✩

:+1: :broom:


What about a Comet?


I agree 100%

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Everybody gets a chance to feel like a druid for a few minutes.

And here I was thinking that the idea of a permanent broom mount could not be improved upon. Mortis, you have proven me wrong, and I could not be happier.

Like a roomba?

WTB toy with with a gnome riding a roomba while holding a tray of cookies and glass of milk that you can click on for food and drink. PST.

/moo :cow:



YES please. I’d give anything for an actual Broom mount !

I never understood why the Headless Horseman mount is perm but the broom isn’t.

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I’ll happily pay:

  • 250,000 gold
  • 100,000 anima
  • $50 in the store

Either one is fine, just make the permanent broom mount available.

I would be happy for Grumbles if this happened. I added them to the list of gnomes I would group with. So far it’s them and Wild.


Glad we remembered that a year round one needs to not be instant cast.

That’s a good start for a gnomes list.

Need a good pointy hat and shoes to go with it.

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Most people have always said it just needs to be like regular mounts. The Hallow’s End exclusive one that lasts only for the holiday is the only one that should be instant cast.

Though I still believe Monks should have their worthless flying cloud act like travel form does for druids.

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I want mine to be a fancified roomba

This is where you lost me. Disregarded.


It’s not just a broom. Your example explicitly stated the Hallow’s End broom, right? But you don’t want it to pertain to just that holiday and rather have it year round which leads me to…

Yes, it does. Why would you want a broom an NPC may have rather than it be only functional during a special holiday event? Literally, homogenisation.

… which is just a broom. There’s literally nothing special about it that makes it Halloween exclusive.

I don’t even understand this question. Nothing about having a mount is homogenization. You going to take away the Brewfest mounts, the Noblegarden mount, etc. because they’re holiday mounts, too?


Except that it’s exclusive during Halloween…? For a reason… I don’t think you’re illustrating the point you’re trying to make here.

I mean, go for it. I’d be one of those people for it as it provides seasonal flavor. I actually think your mode of thought is kinda what is ruining the game. Nothing can be special, everything is a gimme gimme.

And? Who cares? It’s just a broom.

Yes, because the item is instant cast. That’s literally the only reason. As a regular mount, it wouldn’t be instant cast.

No, that’d be you.

No it doesn’t. It adds unnecessary locks to mounts. Just like the transmogs. No one is asking for something lore-breaking here.

My mode of thinking? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Dude, holiday mounts have been in this game and usable all year round for over a deacade and that was a Blizz decision.

Do you get this bent out of shape over other games that have holiday items you can use all the time? :roll_eyes:

This is a nonsensical statement. No one asked for anything to be given. I specifically said it should take a lot of candies to purchase. Now you’re just making crap up.

None of what you’re saying makes any sense. Brooms are common mounts in many fantasy worlds. They aren’t specific to a holiday. Most mounts we have aren’t specific to a holiday. You don’t have an argument here. To me, it just sounds like you want to be fake outraged over nothing.


Forum contrarians are bad and unfun and should go away change my mind.


Throwing my voice behind the permanent Broom mount too. Cast time to make it the same as any other mount of course.

This is a free win waiting to be taken blizz