♥ <PremoGaming> 12/12 H 2 day AOTC LF Raiders/ M+ runners

Looking for more to join us for raiding and mythic +

Want to pick up a few more raiders for early mythic raiding and mythic +

Looking for more for raiding and mythic+ - would like another main tank!

Looking for a main tank. One of our main tanks wants to play his rogue :slight_smile:

Looking for some beast ranged DPS

Hey I’m an Elemental shaman looking for a guild to raid with this week and possibly longer.
Im looking for a better server as well to transfer to.
428 iLvl
What times do you raid?

Heya Morral - we raid Monday and Wednesday from 8 - 11 pm CST. I will add you on btag. reach out to me on btag too Moonpie#1732

Hi everyone, still looking for raiders, mythic + runners, and even those who want to play Classic :slight_smile:

Looking for some more to join us for mythic raiding and mythic +

Our roster is looking great and we just need a few more to round out for the rest of this tier and beyond!

looking for more great players!

LFM raiders and mythic + runners

Looking for more to join us - Azshara should die tonight for AOTC

Starting mythic early bosses tomorrow! And our Classic divisions, both Horde and Alliance, begin playing also!

bump for great players and Classic release!

Focused on Classic right now on Mankrik Horde, but will be back to raiding in 8.3 so still looking to keep the roster filled with great players!

Looking for more to join us for raiding in 8.3

Playing Classic right now, but preparing for raiding in 8.3 - come join our roster!

LF Raiders for 8.3 drop

Looking for more