★ PSA: Void Elf Paladins are justified in the Lore ★

Oh YES! That be My main Forever.I need it in my wow Life.

Millions of people have witnessed blood elf paladins for how long? 10 12 15 years? It is a fact.

Next fact, blood elves went to check out the void. The priests who went got to keep their Light powers. The paladins should be no different.

The only problem is Blizzard left the paladin box unchecked when they made void elves, and now we’re asking them to simply check it.

All the discussion is pointless. We are beyond discussion. It’s already been decided. Void elf paladins are okay. We just need Blizzard to enable them.

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There are High Elf Paladins that exist in Dalaran, in Northrend, In Legion. So it’s definitely something that we see.

Beyond that, Holy Paladins tear up Mythic +'s right now and our options are Dwarves, Humans and Draenei. I’m not trying to play a female Draenei and don’t like any of those options. So unless they’re gonna give me some humans that look like Anduinn they should let me roll a High Elf Paladin.

Also keep in mind that Paladins were the OG Alliance Class. Hordies arguing that an Alliance race shouldn’t have some Paladins is pretty nuts.

Nobody actually wants Silvermoon. Dalaran, if anything, is a better High Elf hub. Or a Stormwind Elven district. Or any of the High Elf outposts that already exist in the Alliance.

Silvermoon’s not really High Elfy. It’s got from a den of mana crack addicts to a den of light botherers probably.


Did you see any Paladin going to study the Void?

Twilight Hammer Paladins

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Does your character have a home? No we just have to assume he’s not a homeless void elf sleeping on the streets.

These were Paladins? And I saw no Twilight Hammer with the Blood Elves going through the Void.


Literal Paladins, they have Void Judgement Armour & even used Paladin abilities, its undeniable.


I would level up a void elf paladin :blush:


Let me stop you there with this quote:

Void Elves are how Blizzard chose to add the High Elf experience to the Alliance. Back in the day when people were talking about it I warned them that this is exactly what would happen. So… here we are.

Alliance players have wanted to play High Elves for 16 years. It’s been the most requested feature. It’s been a constant request. So it’s not just going to go away.

Ion gaffed back in like… 2018 and was like, “Go Horde.” (And look, now there is a massive faction population imbalance…) but they’ve obviously reversed that decision…

and now he’s said that they’re open to the idea of adding Paladins.

Eh. It’s there though. Also consider this. There aren’t a lot of High Elves represented at all in the first place. So when you’re ignoring the High Elf Paladin Class trainers in Wrath and you’re ignoring the High Elf Shield Bearers in Legion… you’re ignoring a ton of High Elves.

Also keep in mind that a primary profession of High Elves since Warcraft 3 has been being Holy Priests.

Blood Elves gave up the Holy stuff after Arthas dabbed on Quel’thalas and threw a Lich in their arcane bath tub. After that they think they’re stealing it from a Naaru. That’s not really how it’s working. But that’s what they think they’re doing. They lose faith in the light for sure though.

Paladins are a huge part of the Alliance and a lot of the High Elves in the Alliance are those Holy Priests that ignored returning to Silvermoon during the Third War.

Keep in mind this is the Warcraft High Elf fantasy. Not the dungeons and dragons or Tolkien High Elf fantasy. Everybody is always like, “You want to play Legolas.”

But actually, we want to play Rulen Lightsreap - NPC - World of Warcraft (wowhead.com)


It makes ppl happy - let them have it.


Brainwashed Paladins working for the Old gods =/= Paladins saying “Hey, let’s go study the Void.”

Yes, High Elves who, by more updated lore, went to study the Void. Not Paladins.

The possibility of High Elf Paladin is not something we are denying here. Priests are Priests, not Paladin. What we’re talking about is using two Paladins or, I don’t know, 10? to say why a race of Void infused Elves would now have the Paladin class unlocked. That is very different.

As for those Shield bearers called Silver Hand Shieldbearers, how do we know they are not Blood Elves?

I am not. I do think Legolas is possibly more interesting than WoW High Elves (or Dwarves, or Gnomes) because I am always behind the idea that the Alliance is like Humans and their cheerleaders and we need less of those. To which I consider the High Elves the prime example of that.

But this is me being silly, the reason I say it’s unlikely has to do with the lore of the race. Void Elves being a group composed of High and Blood Elves who were interested in the Void and wanted tocheck if they could take a similar transformation.

These are the High Elves we have, according to Danuser. I think the point of the race has been neutered enough with the pink skins, and people want to bury it far more.

Now, if Blizz adds class skins and Void Knights, then be my guest.


At the end of the day, devs can decide whether void elves should get paladin or not.

If they do, then whatever the lores that people say it can’t be possible will have to retract their statement.

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What is lore anymore?

Maybe we just need to all adapt a bit.

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Face- or armor-wise?

this is why we need the n’zoth dagger to be useable in shadowlands. I just want to kill void elves, and then whisper them telling them to buy a race change. stop the spread of this heretical cancer.

Not really. You’re just assuming that Void Elf Wayfarers are the reason why High Elf customization options are available.

Right now, in game, there is no way to make more Void Elves. They’re still that same squad from the Blood Elves. There is nothing canon supporting that wayfarers, Blood Elf, or High Elf, are becoming more Void Elves.

I think you’re playing both teams here. >.> You’re asking if Paladins are necessary for the High Elf fantasy… and they are.

and then you’re going on to talk about Void Elves.

It’s got nothing to do with Void Elves.

The way you can play an Alliance High Elf right now is by playing a Void Elf. That’s where they put the customization options.

And whether it makes sense or not that a Void Elf can use the Light is pointless. You can play a Void Elf Holy Priest. Is the intention that you’re probably a Discipline Priest, or a Shadow Priest? Probably. But it doesn’t matter because you can do it.

You can also play a Void Elf DEATH Knight. And someones gonna swing in and be like, “But that’s not a polar opposite.” That’s stupid. How are you gonna be full of Death Magic and Void Magic, or Light Magic in the case of the Lightforged Draenei. So that ships sailed too.

He’s insinuated in an old interview. But even that was just an insinuation that someday they’d be able to make more. He didn’t even say that’s how they were doing it. Just that they wanted to do it. Everything else is speculation. There is no in canon Void Elf reproduction right now.

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Face. But maybe body too. I need a human that doesn’t look like the missing link and doesn’t have forearms that insinuate I could disassemble a car with my fingers.

The body is more or less just the regular human bulk version, including his arms (which you can see in the punching cinematic). If you want to play a slender teenager version, better stay at Void Elves for now.

I just want to play a male human who didn’t do wrist curls with like… 400 pounds… with his elbows on a table so that his biceps, triceps and delts aren’t capable of supporting their pop-eye forums. I’m saying it here. Human biceps aren’t capable of lifting their own forearms. Too much weight below the elbow. Can’t swing your sword cause you’re just huffing and puffing from pulling your lower arm up. “I only train wrists bro!”

Also, you know, faces that aren’t hideous.