And I wonder: What fantasy? Because I guess there have been like 2 or 3 High Elf Paladins (I could be wrong.)
Counting Arathor.
If that’s the case, then people act as if High Elf Paladin are like Draenei Paladins or something when they already have what they wanted, Mage and Hunters.
I asked the Void what I should eat today and it said “Devour barely canon class+race combinations”.
But the question is legitimate. I’ve seen like two High Elf Paladins. This is almost as non existant as Night Elf Warlocks. It’s not a “Class fantasy”.
There aren’t a ton of npc’s in the first place. So having seen two high elf paladins are enough. How many Blood Elf Demon Hunters had you seen before Legion anyways?
That’s what I’m saying. There is this argument that Paladins are made out of the light and that’s why a Void Elf couldn’t do it. Blood Elf Paladins definitely aren’t. They torture a Naaru, think they’re stealing the light from him, but he’s actually just giving it to them.
I understand wanting a High Elf Paladin. Almost as much as wanting a Gnome Druid or any other class.
My question goes with the “Completing the High Elf Fantasy” thing. How can this be “complete” when High Elf Paladins barely exist? I’d understand with Mage, because obviously they are mostly mages.
But not only people are asking for HE Paladins on a group who are clearly Void Elves (as by Danuser’s own words, they went to undergo a similar Void transformation), but are also asking it because 2 High Elf Paladins.
So that’s where my question came from. I had to investigate because with the ferocity people ask Paladins, one would think that class was a staple of the High Elves, when it’s barely there.