“No one wants another faction war!” They said in response to people saying they want another faction war

Still haven’t finished DF, I’m finding the centaur pretty cool, kind of like Dothraki but I do miss the “Alliance sided with the insert sophisticated race and Horde sided with the centaurs” (naturally as they’re both filthy beast factions).

There needs to be some kind of conflict. It’s very boring and also weird running around with Warmode on. For the first time I don’t feel the red is dead urge. I don’t like it!

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It’s tired, it’s boring, and it’s stupid. Starting another faction war would be so unbelievably difficult and unrealistic to pull off in the current story.


Why does something have to end to be cathartic?

You need to stop spreading misinformation to try and boost your claim. It takes five seconds to look up the graph. The population drop started in cata. You know, the one you say when WoW was still WoW.

Did you pro faction war people ever stop and take a moment to ponder if the reason blizzard moved away from it is because it did nothing to maintain or gain players? That they were actively losing population during that time, not after. It destroys your argument that moving away from it caused the population drop.

I don’t want a faction war to be shoehorned into the story where it doesn’t make sense–and, unfortunately, it doesn’t make sense anymore. There is literally no actual reason for us to be continuing to fight one another.

If they should do anything, it’s making the player characters all neutral to the factions and choosing who they want to side with if they wanted to side with anyone at all.

The majority of that 10 million left during Cata, MoP, and WoD. You know…the expansion where we killed Garrosh, and the expansion with Ashran. Good job retaining players, faction war.

Lmao what. Classic is everything but faction pride.

you’re not wrong, but they did happen. Pretending they didn’t is strange. Matching inconsistent writing with more inconsistency doesn’t make it better.

I’m sure is explained away in the books or whatever, but going from wanting to tear eachothers throats out one moment to hugging it out the next feels kind jarring.

They need to pick a lane and stick to it.


Warcraft was copying Marvel before the MCU was even a thing; what’s more likely is that WoW has never been the game to play if you care that much about the story.

People always talk about FFXIV, but FFXIV had a predecessor called FFXI that came out in North America the same year as Vanilla WoW, and I remember thinking at the time that it clearly had a better story than WoW—but WoW was more fun

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How does “faction war” work with all our cross faction guilds, communities, and content, not to mention us sitting around together in cities and feeding each other’s families via the AH.

I don’t really care for faction war stories but I never thought cross-faction groups as a feature ever really needed an in-story justification (and even if they did, Varian Wrynn and the night elf druid Broll Bearmantle were on an arena team with a blood elf in an official TBC era comic)

I agree, but it would need strategy based objectives rather than just LAGZERGTAG that is current wPvP.

Wow has always been a game with many pop culture references. But that doesn’t change the fact that they had a major tonal shift to be more like the MCU in recent years. That isn’t to say before it had a dark, mature, deep story or anything. My point originally was more that the shift in story tone isn’t due to Blizzard being cheap on hiring writers(the wow team is bigger than ever as far as I know) but because they embraced a new style of storytelling. One they saw was very popular. Whether that be because the writers got hyped by MCU movies themselves and started putting more and more of that into their work or because the suits said “Do something like that” or both I don’t know.

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The Faction War has been played out over and over again and done to death. It’s time to move on.

If you want your stupid Faction War AGAIN, go play Classic.

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What is new about the MCU’s style of storytelling? The movies are basically all derivative works in that they’re film adaptations of comics that were already written. Here’s a list of artists Chris Metzen cited as his inspirations on some page called Sons of the Storm years ago:

Inspirational Artists: Walter Simonson, Larry Elmore, Alex Ross, Jim Lee, Keith Parkinson

At least three of those are comic book artists (maybe more idk). Walter Simonson worked on Thor, Alex Ross does a lot of work for Marvel and DC, and idk if Jim Lee still does any work for Marvel since he’s the president of DC now but one of the things he’s most famous for is his work on X-Men in the early 90s. Metzen is clearly a huge comic book fan and so are all the other artists on the page.

Most people probably don’t even read superhero comic books; before recently I’d hardly read any. When I ws a kid, someone bought me The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller (apparently one of the most highly esteemed Batman comics) as a gift and I did not read it because it wasn’t Japanese so I thought it was probably trash since I was a total weeaboo at the time. Blizz has prob been copying comic books all this time and people are only noticing now because everyone has seen the movies

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Now I want a Tauren with a Thor mog.

Merc work. Loyal to nothing but the gold baby!

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I never said the story telling itself was new or invented by the MCU. It’s a new style of storytelling for WoW. Also, the movies are not really good adaptions of the comics. Even ones where they “adapted” stories from the comics like Civil War and Infinity War. Which were vastly different in pretty much everything.

The MCU type of storytelling is also different from 90s and early 2000s era comic book storytelling even. Even the cartoons were different. I loved Marvel and DC stuff as a kid. And again yes, WoW has always used pop culture influences. But that does not mean they did not have a tone shift in recent years. It’s okay to admit that. I mean it would be weird if media going 20 years didn’t have SOME kind of shift in it’s tone. Hell, WC3 was a tone shift from WC2.

There is war, in warcraft, just not stupid and pointless faction war.
Let me ask you this, why would they fight just to fight?
Not even the worst warmongers fight without a solid reason. Another faction war would have no meaning, completely and utterly pointless. It wouldn’t be over land, power, belief, any solid reason, it would be “fight because fight”.
No GOOD leader would do that no matter what faction they are. And no one would follow such a foolish leader.
There’s a reason why Garrosh was written off in MoP and why even the horde wanted him gone. I remember everyone wanting Vol’Jin to be warchief back then, because simply put, he was a FAR better leader.

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Border disputes, resource scarcity, old wounds, diplomatic incidents. Azeroth has thousands of geopolitical landmines ready to go off at any moment. Especially now that the Forsaken are getting back Lordaeron and the Worgen are getting back Gilneas, that’s just a war waiting to happen.

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