“No one wants another faction war!” They said in response to people saying they want another faction war

Faction wars are boring, we already know how they end. Spoiler: nobody really wins, it ends in a status quo because Blizzard is not going to destroy a player faction.

Besides, it got to a point where they just stop making sense lore-wise. It just feels like you’re going in circles.

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Faction wars can be cool but personally I’d rather go back to just having distrust and hostilities not necessarily a war. Peace and friendship isn’t really a theme I enjoy for the game.


The faction conflict is a dead end as far as narrative storytelling goes. Blizzard has gone pretty much as far as they could have with it without reaching the logical conclusion of one side taking the other off the board permanently.

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And for this reason I LOVE THE NEW TYR’S GUARD

This thread is like arguing about what most Marvel fans want next after Endgame. Legion was basically WoW’s “Endgame” equivalent to the MCU. It’s the one where they burned through the “break glass in case of emergency” lore reserves. Their non-faction threat department has been running on fumes (Azshara, N’zoth) and retcons (everything with the Jailer and the Shadowlands) and retcons built on fumes (all the threats of the Dragon Isles) ever since.

I don’t think there’s any winning move. Every expansion is like watching another scene in the epilogue to Return of the King after the one ring was destroyed. The audience is half-asleep and knows the real action’s over. Watching WoW try to do cosmic threat stories now gives the same feeling as when watching Marvel try to build up its multiverse stuff. “No guys, we’re serious, Kang the Conqueror is a bigger deal than Thanos!”

People are still invested in the gameplay. They still enjoy exploring new areas and encountering new aesthetics, which is certainly connected to introducing new stories. But in general what I see is absolute apathy when it comes to non-faction stories and non-faction threats in terms of actual plot. Even the faction conflict has less apathy than that - there’s still a flicker of interest when the player factions have fights.

Seen one person say go away we don’t need another. Go away
Like hello?

That’s like being a Karen in a pizza place that is only there for the salad and when they are low on pizza they are like “we don’t want pizza at this pizza place, eat a salad or go away like OMG”

It’s so smooth brained.

There they are. Imagine being mad people want war in WARCRAFT. HA the audacity to want what the store is supposed to be selling


Id be up for new factions.

Starcraft has 3 factions constantly at war. We should go to a 3 faction war.

Can you imagine if they removed the faction conflicts from Starcraft? :sweat_smile:

Agreed. We don’t necessarily need a war…but all this hippie kumbaya stuff is lame.


In what war is an entire country destroyed?

History books read them.

Texas and Mexico had a war… both of these places still exist


Stop trying to make it a thing.


The faction war ended in WC2 with the horde losing. WC3 with the alliance losing it’s fleet and SoO with the remants of the WC2 horde being wiped out.

Maybe they could have brought it back with BFA had they made Genn siege UC first but they did not and such doomed the plot to failure.

It’s done, it’s over-used and it’s restrictions brought by it is immersion breaking for both gameplay and roleplaying.

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Yeah, ESO faction war is better imo

They did, when the story ended lol

It already is, need people to remember the war in warcraft

Oh yes lets have a Faction War again what a wonderful Idea like it would totally be a fair fight too cause the factions are super balanced power wise… oh wait.

Like seriously Alliance are op like why even risk casualties instead give the Dranei a call and ask them to shoot a giant Death Lazer or somethin at Orgrimmar from their spaceship leaving it a massive crater.


Alliance has things that could end the Horde but I imagine they don’t like the idea of wiping out an entire city, Nevermind a major capital city that is hub for a super huge world power.

Horde will lose anyways , its predictable , so whats the point of faction war ?

Probably not but if the Horde started another War it would make sense that they’d deem it a necessary for the greater good and safety of Azeroth considering it would be the 5th War now.

Who? Calling the Horde a huge world power is a stretch nowadays :dracthyr_lulmao:

Ya, I’m with you…it’s tiresome at best and lazy at worst…people who want a faction war, just go play classic

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