“I’m DoNe WiTh My DeMoN hUnTeR”

It’s very possible to re-roll to a new class without creating a whining thread about it. Mind-blown


Or to let others have their opinions without making a valueless post to whine about it? Mind-blown


That’s not how Haugs does things.


OMG what’s that level 120 Demon Hunter doing in here? quick kill et!

I have no idea why it hasn’t updated to 50. I’ve been playing it. /shrug

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Like your wowhead post?

I’m whining about whining. It’s an elevated form of whining. Sorry you aren’t woke enough to understand it.

Opinions have no value if they’re not supported with reasoning. Pouting like a toddler isn’t the same thing as giving actionable feedback.

Yes, I have a tendency to disagree with opinions that have no logical basis

Indeed. Tell me more about your post Haugs. /popcorn

Anything more you want to whine about while complaining about other players or trying to police the forums?


Haugs I think you would agree even in SL Beta currently DH does not feel that good.

Maybe it gets better…hopefully it does. As I think Blizzard has seemingly basically ignored the best ideas on their feedback forum.

As far as the I’m done with DH… it does get a little tired.


No opinions or logic are valid unless approved by Haugs, and the only opinions that Haugs approve of originate from Haugs. That is why arguing with Haugs is like arguing with a brick wall. Except most brick walls have an actual purpose…


Bro you’re really salty over me not agreeing draenei should be demon hunters

When two people disagree, it’s typically because each person believes he/she is right, and the other is wrong. I don’t know when you developed this inferiority complex that, when I’m involved, the above does not apply, but it’s really awkward.

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It’s making fun of people who are whining :slight_smile:


Wow, you think this is only about the draenei thing?

Dude, my problem with you is that you argue like a flat earther.

Ok, let’s use the one thing you brought up - that draenei shouldn’t be DHs. Your reasoning, if memory serves, is that they’re too big to do the leap backwards. Then you conveniently ignore that a draenei warrior can jump 20 yards forwards carrying far more weight than a demon hunter would be carrying. When presented with this logic, you do some completely bizarre twisted-pretzel-logic reasoning and bring up that class has nothing to do with it, as if physics acts differently for a warrior than it does for a demon hunter.

Draenei is not the only time, however, that we have disagreed. We have also disagreed very often on class design, such as leech and dodge from blade dance.

And it’s not just your weird logic. You also become highly condescending when people break your logic. Exhibit A:

You don’t attack my logic, you attack me.

I don’t have an inferiority complex. I have had many good arguments with people on these forums. Sometimes I am right, sometimes they are right. If I am wrong, I admit it. You are unable and unwilling to not only admit when you’re wrong, you’re not even able to see when you’re wrong, to the point where you’ve even contradicted yourself on these forums when other people break your arguments.



No, that was one argument.

My primary argument was the fantasy of a draenei is in direct conflict with the fantasy of a demon hunter. There are several other races that would be more likely to undergo the ritual than a draenei.

Yes, we disagree about leech and dodge. I believe defensive utility should not be baked into offense. There is no skill in leeching and dodging as a result of doing our primary function. You’re entitled to your opinion, as am I. The difference in our two opinions is that I’m advocating for mechanics that increase our skill cap.

Your several recent comments on any of my posts or in any thread concerning me haven’t had anything to do with logic. You hop in threads to attack me, then hop out. I’m happy to quote your multiple comments if you’d like me to.

Please provide one example of this.


Apart the light jab about the inferiority complex, I’ve never once “attacked you”. Feel free to provide an example of me doing this as well.

I hate to get in this, but haugs calling it a light jab, its not. You may think its a light jab and your welcome to that oppionion of that. However it was an insult he can take it as an attack and i can definitely see why, because its an attack on one charater.

If you would have said well your idea make zero sense lore wise, then sure your right its oppionion and no insults, jabs, or belittling is going on.

However i think we all definitely got way off topic i enjoy both of your different veiws and how they should work ( dh’s) i think you both make very vaild points in threads i have seen you in.

Now back to the post. While i agree it sucks waiting with no communication on what direction our class is going, so i get the frustration. Try to keep in mind though how many things are all going on at once. You have covid, fires, election, personal families, deadlines, lay offs. To name a few so all anyone can ask is to try to be paient, while i get the frustration.

We also want everyone safe and healthy, along with a really good finished product.


? My post was just joking about people jumping ship while we’re in the tuning phase. I have no issue with the game being delayed and of course with all the world events i hope everyone stays safe, and again, while disagreeing about races, I never once attacked him lol.

I disagreed, he got mad, and walked away. Feel free to quote me where I attacked him in that thread.

And again, he’s in multiple threads, including my own, talking about me. By comparison, yes, it’s a light jab. When someone goes around in multiple threads talking about you, it’s a little strange

Same, i really hope everyone is ok. Denver co has gotten some really bad fires this year and they are no joke. So i really hope everyone and their families are ok.

Im sticking with my dh, theres always tunings that will happen. So i like the class and the animations, along with the lore so im sticking it out :slight_smile:

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It’s absolutely reroll time for all DH!! Play this beat down nerfed spec at your own risk!

What’s the risk

Nobody should be jabing or insulting, theres no need for that agree to disagree and should be left alone. And thats not good that he is following you around harassing you thats not right either.

Dont agree with jabs or light jabs thats up to ones point of view i guess, however following and harassing is frustrating to say the least i hope thats stops.